My Little House in the Woods

Posted by thernz on Dec. 20, 2011, 1:08 a.m.

I am collaborating with someone to make a game, but she is mainly an artist so that means I'm coding as well as doing art still. We just started so there isn't really anything though. We had plans for it since April, but never really began till now.

I've been pretty slow, or rather I haven't done anything with any of my other game projects. Everything is in a standstill. I've been having a problem spriting backgrounds or tilesets because I haven't done it in so long. I keep over-detailing and I'm having problems with creating a lean tileset. Instead everything just bloats, because I really can't stand "rigid" tilesets, so I bloat it all up. And it bloats. Big bad fat.

That's even prevalent in the little picture above!

I kind of wish I had an actual excuse like how my cat tripped over my HDD's wire, plunging it to the ground so that it doesn't read anymore, but I have Dropbox.

The only thing is that all my JAZZ is gone. NO.

On the plus side, I built a new PC, so I'm going to off this horrible laptop that can't even play Amnesia: The Dark Descent soon.

On the other bad side, my hard drive arrived dead-on-arrival.


Cesque 13 years, 1 month ago

Dat grass.

LAR Games 13 years, 1 month ago

I sympathize with you regarding not being able to get a game done because of the art. I also have a habit of trying to put too much detail into something. The problem with that is that I spend all of my effort in one area that I don't feel like doing the rest of it when I'm done, but that's my problem, and nobody wants to hear about those…

Anyway, I really like the art. It's looking really good.

Rob 13 years, 1 month ago

Ouch, not only did you probably pay like twice the price for the HDD due due to Thailand, but then it arrives dead? Shit. RMA the fucker. What parts are you putting into the computer?

thernz 13 years, 1 month ago

Oh it's not that exciting of a build aka I forgot the specifics and I'm too lazy to look.