Weeabos and Geetars

Posted by thernz on Sept. 23, 2006, 3:42 p.m.

I should so remake Richter Run, a incomplete minigame I made with Richter Belmont of Castlevania running around, racing people to reach his wife before those other people beat him because Richter said that first one to reach his house gets to get laid with Annette, his wife. Oh, fun.

I also thought up of the combat system in Big Robots. Heavy directional key pressing and two attack buttons. Not really much to describe it. I wanted something simple yet in-depth and this allows it. I'd elaborate on it but I don't want to.

I'ma post a comic I made tomorrow.


chiggerfruit 18 years, 5 months ago

Guitar's fun after you pass all the hard bumps in the beginning. Very worth it. =)

oliv 18 years, 5 months ago

RICHTER RUN WAS FUN, BUT I HATED IT. oops caps lock heh. Kafei.. I don't recommend it. Just cuz.