anticitizen 0.8

Posted by tijitdamijit on June 15, 2007, 7:21 p.m.

Hey 64digits, a couple of people (well, 167 actually) downloaded and played anticitizen 0.7. Well, they all seemed to like it, so here is some information about the next installation of my anticitizen games:

anticitizen 0.8

powered by physh v0.6

by clan anticivilian

Back Storyline

You live on a peaceful planet. War was a thing of the past, in old dusty books and the memories of those who had died fighting in them. Scientific discovery and an undying quest for knowledge was what fuled your people, and new technological advances were being made every day. The introduction of faster-than-light travel prompted their search for other life in the universe. There was indeed other life in the universe, however the creatures they were unfortunate enough to come across were not what they were expecting. They had technological advances and anatomical structure similar to their own, however their weapon technology was very advanced. These creatures were called humans, from Earth. They too, were searching for new life, but not for discovery. It was for their survival. The humans were at war, a constant struggle with fear. Terrorists had developed a neuro-toxin… it changed your mind. Developed from a mutated strain of rabies, it drives you crazy, and you start attacking people. There is no cure. The humans went from galaxy to galaxy, searching for life to infect with the virus, in the hopes the race would develop natural immunities. From several humans and aliens they accumulated 4 strains of the anti-toxin, however 13 were required to create vaccines and even a cure. (brain tissue regrowththerapies would help, but not completely reverse the process.

The humans convinced our people that they were not a threat. However, mere weeks after we met up with them, they turned on us. 9 chemical weapons were strategically placed on the planets' surface, and it infected 95% of it's inhabitants. They were not expecting something. Our minds are a lot stronger than theirs, and we were able to fight off the virus. It mutated our minds, and unlocked powerful psychic abilities that had been stored in our minds for generations, since the Last War. Those in ships or in orbit around our planet were forced to surrender, as our guns were no match against the humans.

Game Storyline

When the humans realised we weren't all infected, they sent infantry units to the planets surface, to cull off infectees and those not infected. They can breathe for a short time in our environment, but there is very little oxygen in our air, and they couldn't survive. They set up generators on the surface, which gives them a compatible energy source, as well as a constant supply of water and oxygen. The non-infected survivors are trying to take down these generators.

Which is your story, you play as a survivor, and you and a group of other non-infectees must destroy as many generators as you can. You were not affected by the negative effects of the toxin, however the psychic abilities were unleashed, and you can't handle them properly. As the game goes on, you slowly kill more soldiers and keep growing more insane, your abilities become more and more powerful. Eventually, you are almost undefeatable, but you become a threat to the other survivors, and they turn on you as well.

The first generator? Well, it's in the local dockyards…


Well, the first goal is to get all the physics and stuff right. To do this I'm making a tool called physh playground (aka "gooch's mod") and it will allow you to spawn NPCs, physics objects, use any gun you want, and drive around in your car.

Next, to test AI and weapon capabilities, as well as level design ideas, we will make anticitizen bot DM. (Possibly online as well, I'm not sure about that yet). It will have a bunch of maps to skirmish against a bunch of enemies… it'll be lots of fun.

And then we will go ahead and make the game in its entirety. DM and the playground will come with the final version of anticitizen. Engine updates will be available for download every now and then, so you guys can tell us how you think the game is going.

The Developers

=Clan Anticivilian=










5 Damned Dollarz



noshenim 17 years, 7 months ago

sounds hard. In this kind of game i'd reccomend adding lighting and make it v1

LoserHands 17 years, 7 months ago

That storyline rocks. I look forward to playing this installment as much as I enjoyed playing V0.7.

NoodleNog 17 years, 7 months ago

Sounds epic.

shawn 17 years, 7 months ago


I cant hear anything damnit.

tijitdamijit 17 years, 7 months ago

sounds hard. In this kind of game i'd reccomend adding lighting and make it v1

Hard as in, hard gameplay wise or it's gonna be hard to pull it off as a game?

Okay, as for some more varied environments, these are the sorts of places you are gonna be in:


-Abandoned Streets

-A Freeway

bental 17 years, 7 months ago

hiiiii im bental and i making the models for this game… my modeling is better then my grammar thankfully…

DJ Motion 17 years, 7 months ago

I wish you guys good luck and i would love to test your beta versions.

tijitdamijit 17 years, 7 months ago

@DJ Motion: Okay.. I'll PM you a test of physh playground when there is something playable ready.

panzercretin 17 years, 5 months ago

I would like one too, this game sounds cool, almost like area 51, just the other way around.