Chopper Cave 2

Posted by tjg92 on April 21, 2007, 1:37 p.m.

Lately I've been working on a sequel to Chopper Cave. It's a lot better than the original already, and it's still not even ready for a demo.

I'll probably have a demo out within the week, but I'm not promising anything.

It differs from the original in that instead of earning points for blowing up boulders and bats, you get points for rescuing mine workers. Also, it takes place in multiple levels instead of just one long one.

You'll also notice that the helicopter is much easier to control than it was in the original.

Here's a screenshot, it doesn't give much to go by but you'll see some significant changes from the original (the helicopter looks like a helicopter, for example).


KaBob799 17 years, 10 months ago


tjg92 17 years, 10 months ago

Yeah sorry about that.

Just deal with it :(

sk8m8trix 17 years, 10 months ago

.bmp? o'shit!

RetroVortex 17 years, 10 months ago

Looks really cool!

Alot better than a helicopter game I worked on years ago (but that was more arcadey than this..)

I look forward to trying this!

You should make it so that when you get near a mine worker, a ladder should drop down and then they grab it ,then you haul them up, but if you hit a wall or boulder they fall off,

adds a bit of challenge and slight realism (as you have to keep the copter still)

throw a few hazards in to make it even more challenging

(such as dark areas, falling bits of ceiling, ect..)

unless you've done that already…

tjg92 17 years, 10 months ago

Well, retro, the way you rescue the workers is a little different than what you described. The way the game is, you can't stop your chopper, you just press up to go up and release to go down whilst it moves to the right on it's own. To rescue the workers you pick up batteries that got left around the mine and then you can use energy from the batteries to teleport workers below you into the chopper. then if you crash, you have to restart the level and everybody in your chopper dies. It's a pretty arcadey game, actually.

RetroVortex 17 years, 10 months ago


Yeah its like my game was, (- the saving people)

I like the traditional scrolling,

but I sometimes feel it can be overused

but anyways, teleporting people is kinda futuristic,

maybe you could set the game in the future,

then you could involve malfunctioning machinery and aliens

(it would definatley be different)

Anyways these are only suggestions,

I think I'll like this game so long as it's got playablility, decent graphics, and is complete…

Requiem 17 years, 10 months ago

Size of that screenshot in BMP format: ~1914kb

Size of that screenshot in PNG format: 179kb

MS Paint, which COMES with Windows, can save in PNG format. Using BMP is simple inexcusable.

tjg92 17 years, 10 months ago

Look, I always use .png, and I hate .bmp to death, but I forgot to save it as a .png before I uploaded it because I was in a hurry.

Retro, in later levels there may be some kind of twist, like aliens in the caves or something. I want to put something different in though, like maybe something you bounce off of, but there really is no way to explain something like that.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

That's why you should use 64Digit's uploader- it will save you from these sorts of embarrassments because it doesn't allow you to upload .bmp files.

tjg92 17 years, 10 months ago

It would probably just have pissed me off since I was in a hurry. Also, melon is a coo uploader for coo folks.