Quote from Aeron on Basils blog

Posted by turbo_toons on July 15, 2007, 10:34 p.m.

Quitting GM, huh? Allow me to fill you in on the coherent truth of the matter: No one cares. Clearly you're just desperate for attention, because, as you should know (although it's wrong for me to overestimate your intelligence), this site doesn't revolve around you. We do not care if you want to quit GM or change your stupid name. Stop acting like you're so important to us, because no one's buying it.

You say you want to "move on" from GM to "other game creation software". Let me make myself clear by saying that there's no step up from GM in the "game creation specific software" category. DarkBASIC, FPS Maker, Stencyl, they're all made so 9 year olds can put together stupid games for the sake of calling themselves programmers. With the possible exception of DB (I don't know much about it), they each run the same game engine for every game you create that you simply edit the levels and get to call your own. It's like taking the GM FPS example and saying you remade the game Doom. No, you didn't remake Doom. You just made a really crappy FPS. (And for Christ's sake, there's more programming languages out there than C++! You people act like it's the god of all computer languages! Well guess what?! IT'S FUCKING NOT. God damn, that pisses me off.)

And your fallback… php?! I hoped I had gotten the message out when I spammed the shit out of your site the other week, but please just STOP. You are the sloppiest html coder I've ever stumbled upon… and trust me that is LOW. You suck at html, you have no design sense (I mean just LOOK at your page! You pick light orange as your text color against a white background. Great! Once my eye's stop bleeding maybe I'll have enough time to copy the text into notepad before my pupils dilate through the whites of my eyes!) …and to top it off, your programming skills are STILL sub-par.

I don't know how many times I have to tell you off before you get the message through, but please just GTFO. I'm sick of your childish behavior on this site, I'm sick of your stupid stupid STUPID name (complete with equally retarded banners and avatars), and I'm sick of your stupid comments you queef out onto every other page thinking you're all funny and shit. YOU'RE NOT.

Now I'm gonna stop before I develop high blood pressure, I can now feel my heartbeat in my eyelid. Thanks a lot, you dick.



FireflyX 17 years, 7 months ago


s 17 years, 7 months ago

Ya,that was something