
Posted by twisterghost on May 29, 2017, 12:25 p.m.

After over a year in development, today I am finally announcing my game, Evenfall Arcane.

The game is still in closed pre-alpha testing, and has a long way to go, but I am officially announcing it today, and will be much more open about development going forward.

See the full announcement here:

Follow the game on twitter for development updates:

If you're truly hype, join the mailing list:

Thank you all for your support. I look forward to working with members of 64Digits to refine the game through playtesting and discussion. You have all played such a huge part in my life, as I attribute my career and love for programming to 64Digits.

All the best, as always.



Phoebii 7 years, 8 months ago


I didn't play your game for long, but it felt good.


Make a name for yourself in a world that truly does not care about you.
YES, I needed that =']