[tyler]FRESH POTS!!!

Posted by tylerthemiler on March 16, 2010, 3:56 p.m.

First of all, this is the single greatest youtube I have seen in a while:


If you love Dave Grohl and coffee (I am from Seattle so enough said), you are in for a hilarious 2+ minutes.

Hmmm, in other news, just finishing up finals. Two more days of nonstop Chemistry and Biology and I'll be done. I took my Matrix Algebra final yesterday. It was a bitch. I understood all the material really well, but all the algebra came out really weird, so I kept trying to redo the problems. Stupid, poorly-written tests! :/

My programming skillz continue to grow. I am coding for a neuropathology lab (aka we study brain tumors). The program I optimized allows the user to get a scan from our MRI database, measure the tumor on each slice of the MRI, and then it calculates the surface area, volume, ect, and sends that to our data database.

I put a lot of work into optimizing it. It was coded so crazily that the scans would not load into MATLAB's ram. :/ Btw, MATLAB is really shitty.

Personal life….lol I basically do school, work, play guitar, read, listen to music, the party on Fridays. That's about it.


Toast 14 years, 11 months ago

*insane drumming*


OBELISK 14 years, 11 months ago

I used to think he lost some of his awesome since Nirvana, then I saw this and my mind changed completely.


Ferret 14 years, 11 months ago

I want to drink coffee now…

tylerthemiler 14 years, 11 months ago

Obe, I used to think the same thing, but he is a GOD in them crooked vultures. Probably one of the best drummers around, either him or the tool drummer.

@Ferret: slippery slope. I had two quad shots today.