[Tyler] Here, have a blog *gives blog*

Posted by tylerthemiler on April 15, 2010, 3:13 a.m.

Hey guys,

My blogging is getting more frequent again (aka more than twice a year)!


Been slowly, but surely, accumulating riffs on my phone (I don't know how I'd keep track of them all without it). They range from non-melodic pieces of shit to fairly well thought out, Frusciante somewhat meets Kobain type tunes. I need to pen some lyrics at some point.

My brother is moving far away, so he gave me his electric piano. Some of my favorite songs have rock organ playing the chords of the song thrown in the background, so I'll probably learn the basics for when I record my future platinum album. Which leads me into….

QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE! I love these guys. They have it all. Ghrol on his real instrument (drums), very original guitar, chill vocals, and even some organ/piano. If you have been able to follow what the hell I have been talking about so far, then you should check out this band.


Date tomorrow. Its been awhile. I don't find people I have much in common with/that I would want to spend a lot of time with very often so I am excited!

This chick loves all my music (a big deal to me….I know, it shouldn't be but it is!), is super hot, and has almost as big of a coffee addiction as me. This could be good! :P


Chem still sucks. I'm on the very last of all the intro series of science at my school (Chem, Bio, and Physics), which kinda sucks because they are all weedout classes. Curved so low!

Anyways, I'm gonna do an applied math/modeling degree, with some programming thrown in there. I love modeling!

I'm working on modeling my happiness. So far variables include energy from sunlight received in a day (from Seattle…clouds suck!), dCoffee/dt (its a hyperbolic function above the x-axis, if you know what I am getting at), decibel level of my iPod, and hours of House, M.D watched.

I might minor in Marine Bio just because I love fish/the ocean.

Well, now you have my blog. Everything you never wanted to know about tylerthemiler! :D


Kaz 14 years, 10 months ago

You can get a degree in making graphs? How silly. My uncle just got his Doctorates in Marine Biology. Right now he's just chilling in Australia O_O

ATOGAMES 14 years, 10 months ago

Chicks who love coffee scare me.(Why in the hell do they need all that caffeine?!?)

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

*receives blog*

gave me his electric piano
I want to get one… hmmmm… I should get one…. hmmmm (I'm trying to make up my mind don't judge me).

Good luck on the date.

Oh Seattle, you will get almost no sunlight. I've been there before, my uncle lives there. Pretty cool place. And by cool I mean cold.

Everything you never wanted to know about tylerthemiler! :D
Pic? ;)

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 10 months ago

Best of luck on your date! Always good to find a girl that likes the same music as you.

tylerthemiler 14 years, 10 months ago

Date is postponed until tomorrow. (does this bad sign come in men's??) No worries.

@Kaz: My applied math degree is more of a modelling degree, so not just stats and graphs. I could go for chilling in Australia. :P

@Ferret: I support your piano notion! I can't wait until I am actually good at it. Seattle actually only sucks during the winter, its actually really nice otherwise, especially during the summer. But winters suck.

@Poly: Yeah, that's basically a prereq for a relationship for me…

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

Heh yeah then again, I've only been there in the winter ;)

Josea 14 years, 10 months ago

hours of House, M.D watched.

tylerthemiler 14 years, 10 months ago

@Josea: You will understand the pain I am currently in. I just made a big meal and sat down to watch my most current disc of house and it didn't work. :(

Josea 14 years, 10 months ago

That sucks.