EP release and an art favor to ask

Posted by tylerthemiler on Sept. 25, 2013, 7:11 p.m.

Hey guys,

Its been awhile, everyone doing well?

Anyway, my band (Slums of Utopia) is about to release our first EP! Its only 3 songs, but we've put countless hours of writing, recording, and mixing into it.

As a preview, here is the unmastered (and not quite final mix) version of the EP:


So, the artist that was gonna do the album art bailed on us :( I'm really proud of this work and I think it deserves some legit album art! I know there are a ton of awesome artists in the 64D community so I was wondering if anyone was interested in whipping something up for the final release (in the next week or so).

Given the "Slums of Utopia" theme, we had some specific ideas, but also open to suggestions. We were thinking a slightly futuristic city on the water, but with the reflection being a ruined version. Pretty trippy right?

Anyway, you'd get an awesome credit and some exposure if this shit goes anywhere. If that isn't enough compensation, we might be able to work something out. Haven't started promoting yet, but we are gonna start playing some local shows in Seattle soon, so expect things to start ramping up!

Also, if you like it feel free to give us a like on bookface :)


Thanks for listening! Definitely put my soul into this one.


P.S. Also looking for a logo!


tylerthemiler 11 years, 5 months ago

In case inspiration is needed, some of my favorite art (both animation and music) in a long time:
