Me and my projects

Posted by uglyman on Jan. 6, 2007, 1:26 p.m.

Hey everyone! I joined this site several months ago but only now am starting to actually use it. I thought I would just tell you a little about myself and some of my projects in this blog.

I found gamemaker a little over a year ago and just love it. It really lets me be creative and allows me to express myself the way a painter or auther would express themselves. I am from the GMG, (Game Maker Games for the few that don't know.) but please don't go on about all the noobs there.

I am working on a game called "Pharoh's Amulet" that is a simple overhead puzzle adventure. I am about 20% of the way through development and hope to get a new demo out this month. Look forward to it!

I also have a couple of ideas I am just starting to work on. One of them is a "Geuss Who" style online game that may or may not ever get finished as my coding skills are not as good as I wish them to be. The other is basicly a life simulator where the more you help people, the more items and secrets you can unlock. I am TERRIBLE at spriting so I don't know whether I will releasing a demo or not in the near future.

I dunno if you noticed but I have a hard time typing things like this out so please don't judge me by this. I have a hard enough time writing for school. :^D

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


DFortun81 18 years, 2 months ago

Hobo didn't make BBQ, it was Twisterghost.

Kaz 18 years, 2 months ago

TG makes a lot of hard games.

TomatoeWorm 18 years, 2 months ago

What about me :(

You said kafei is popular but forget me!

You also forgot to mention the 3 projects or so we are working on together.

But have a great time at 64digits, I find it better than gmg myself. :)

Relex 18 years, 2 months ago

Lol if you have to say you are popular urself… than I gues your not.. And Kafei is only popular because he made that stupid johny game that everyone whent crazy about… I dont get that shit.. he's just a noob. Ehm yeah so welcome to 64D… Ive tried the others to but this one's by far the best. Lol you say you cant code OR sprite.. most of us can do one (You can do a collab then like I am now (Project "C.U.R.E.") Its gonna be so awsome! Anyway I wish you luck on your the further development of your creations and hope to see something from you soon. CYA!

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits, mmmmkay?

uglyman 18 years, 2 months ago

@ DFortun81

Sorry. The loading screen says hobomonkeyc on it and I geuss I got confused. ^.^

@ Relex

I meant that I don't do the whole array thingy and am clueless about coding online gameplay or 3d. (Which most people don't even try anyhow.)

Kafei didn't make the Jonny series…

@ Tomatoeworm

Sorry but this was more about "me". I'll talk about them later.

TomatoeWorm 18 years, 2 months ago

Lol if you have to say you are popular urself… than I gues your not.. And Kafei is only popular because he made that stupid johny game that everyone whent crazy about
sorry, type, I meant to say he forgot to mention our projects, not be being famous. I put the phrase in the wrong sentence XD

uglyman 18 years, 2 months ago

I'm not used to the code here so I dunno how to qoute or wisper…

TomatoeWorm 18 years, 2 months ago

you use the tags from gmg.

You use brackets( [ ] ), then shh=*person*, then type the message, then end with [/*command*]

for quotes, use the tag "quote" and "/quote"

Use lowercase, uppercase only works on gmg.

Heres an example of a whisper:

uglyman 18 years, 2 months ago