Pharoh's Amulet and......stuff

Posted by uglyman on Jan. 12, 2007, 7:16 p.m.

Pharoh's Amulet has finally been accepted and you can find the link here.

I was really mad at u1bd2005 for that mess he made. It's probably been ranted by countless other people so I won't go into detail. But let's just say he said my game had poorly made graphics and no real point to it…

Does anyone like to play soldat? I really enjoy blasting other peoples into nothingness. I you do, what servers do you play on? They only good one I've found is the GMG one and they keep kicking me off for no other reason than they don't like me. Gosh, I need better people to play with…

I also like to play runescape with my friends but am looking for a new mmorpg to play. I tried flyff (which sucks in my opinion) and wanted to try Space Cowboy Online but couldn't download for the HUGE file size. Anyone know a good one?

I'm desperate…


Cesar 18 years, 1 month ago


uglyman 18 years, 1 month ago

That was me accidently hitting the eneter buttton freak…

rockyran 18 years, 1 month ago

Pacman, you need something better to do :P

flashback 18 years, 1 month ago

But let's just say he said my game had poorly made graphics
Hate to say it, but the graphics aren't exactly stellar.

uglyman 18 years, 1 month ago


Yeah, I didn't really know how to sprite when I started it about 4 months ago and I don't really want to change them. I might just make the display size bigger. BTW: I've only acctually worked on the game for about a month. I'm really lazy. [:P]

Anyone have anything to say about the other "paragraphs"?

rabid squirrel 18 years, 1 month ago

wow I didn't know it was only a month! Very good job in that case

TomatoeWorm 18 years, 1 month ago

Try guild wars factions for a mmorpg, it has no month payment, which fullfills my fun-bar(wtuc?).