I luv my Teacher <3

Posted by uglyman on July 18, 2007, 7:36 p.m.

My driver's ed teacher is a pretty cool guy. He's funny and he keeps us in line. But because of the stinkin' rule that says he has to pass or he's gone, he makes sure that we pass! And the kids in the class told me that this is normal everywhere!

This is why kids with straight A's in High School get straight F's in college. Morons…

Pharoh's Amulet is back! Kinda…

I'm going back through my old .gm6 file and I say to myself, "Wtd? I actually 'wrote' this 'code'?".

Right now I'm recoding it and redoing some sprites. Kinda…

I really need some help with wall collisions tho. I'm using position_snap to move my character andd the collision checker thingy to check if a wall is in the way. But in some cases I need to actually collide with the wall or door in this case to trigger an event. (Open door, Find switch, ect.)

Any ideas on how to do it?

Oh yeah, Is there anyway to import Milkshape 3D models into gm? I don't feel like coding fifty-something models in 3d gml. :P

Snap, I need a banner… >.<

I suck at saphire tears. :(

Any hints?





How do you pronounce it?


s 17 years, 7 months ago

Collisions…few ways you can do those in every game.A really easy one is to make your grid size a a number that has a lot of multiples and just have stuff move at constant speeds that are a factor of the gridsize…ya,using a more flexible method might work better

Lead your shots

uglyman 17 years, 7 months ago

I fixed the colide thing. Actually, I used a bug too make it work. [:)]

So, uh, what about Milkshape 3D models? Anyone have a script to utilize them in GML?

TomatoeWorm 17 years, 7 months ago

I am not the 3d master, so I tell you to learn it yourself and dont be a lazy face.

Oh, and its pronounced Cass-aye-dye-law =D

uglyman 17 years, 7 months ago


TomatoeWorm 17 years, 7 months ago

I dont suck :( And all you asked was how I pronounce it. Evil southerners >=[

uglyman 17 years, 7 months ago

Pronounce that:

Suh thur nur



TomatoeWorm 17 years, 7 months ago


uglyman 17 years, 7 months ago

I'm a geek. You're the nerd. Duh…


TomatoeWorm 17 years, 7 months ago

Nerd is more of a smartness, and lack of socialization. I socialize, and quite well >=[

uglyman 17 years, 7 months ago

Apparently. You dragged me out of my hole.

(Yay! I sound like a mindless moronic miscreatant!)

[Aliterations are fun!]

{Plays Saphire Tears}