Posted by uglyman on July 7, 2008, 3:11 p.m.

Yea, so I'm at debate camp now where I'm learning to argua like a civilized person. It's pretty cool. But a TON of work. It's been 8 hours of debate training so far (one day :O) and I'm pretty tired. Apparently, the topic issue this year that we will be debating in two weeks is: Resolution: That the United States Federal Goverment should substantially change its foriegn policy on India.

Who knows anything about India for crying out loud? Now I gotta make a case about affirming the resolution. I might do something with Bhutan and terrorism and how we can stop it but I'm not sure. You can get into crazy stuff like debating the definition of India as a subcontinent or a country. So then you could technically include some south-eastern countries in your definition. IT GETS CRAZY! But its fun. I could always bash the indian goverment for it's human rights intrests or its nuclear program. I don't know but I'll figure something out…



Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

India is a big country population wise

Did I win?

sk8m8trix 16 years, 8 months ago

Civilized people don't argue.

You just suck at debating.

USFL MOPEY 16 years, 8 months ago

sk8m8tix please don't be so offensive *jeez*

no offense or anything, but i don't know why i wasted my time reading that please say somthing exciting…

and u spelled awesome argue wrong

*erm* may the ~ be with you….

uglyman 16 years, 8 months ago

That was an uncalled for statement Sk8…

s 16 years, 8 months ago

USFL obviously lacks an interest when it comes to real content. As such, I found this piece overly general. Stop being so abstracted from this knowledge you attempt to share

When I'm writing a report in English about a topic where we're given the choice, I find it is easier to contradict. Then you have a thing to defend, a thing to bring up points and a point that you must even convince yourself about. When you take the easy path in a debate you end up assuming too many opinions to be by default in favor of your argument. Of course, when you bring in super soldiers being a purpose to why parents should spoil their kids people kinda stop listening. But I've got it figured out, we've gotta defeat those damn commies and their "let's all be hippy lover commune orgy freaks who give bread to dead people just so we can say we're fair when we rape their sexy dead body" idealism

uglyman 16 years, 7 months ago

Said blog post was written really hurredly because I was supposed to be reasearching…

TomatoeWorm 16 years, 7 months ago

Ouch. I am naturally good at debating I suppose, definitely not the best in school, but the best in my class. People are like "wtf, why are you so good?" Truth is that I make up 25% of the information I use to argue in debates, and at least 50% of the statistics. It is a school debate for Pete's sake, who is going to check my resources?