Triishu and Debate

Posted by uglyman on July 28, 2008, 4:56 p.m.

Mmmmkay, Debate camp was a ton of fun even tho it was a lot of work. My partner and I went 2 out of 6 in the tournament which is fine for me because we beat all the people that were novices that we came against. :P

I've also learned more than enough about India.

One suggestion from a fellow camper was that we get rid of the Human rights problem by nuking India, thereby leaving no humans to have their rights violated. XD

Yea, I have another Triishu demo out. (Finally)

I added protons, nuetrons, and a random triangle thingy.

Go check it out….

It looks really pretty now.

I'm also working on an Iso Turn Based RPG engine. I've got the movement and level editors almost done now…

Go check out runescape, it actually looks decent now but the game still sucks.


TomatoeWorm 16 years, 4 months ago

A jajaja!