L u C i D _ D r E a m S

Posted by ultim8p00 on April 2, 2007, 4:10 p.m.

Ok, so for the past weekend, I have had consecutive lucid dreams, which wouldn't freak me out so much if weird stuff didnt happen.

If you don't know, a Lucid dream is a type of dream where at the start or during the course of the dream, you become aware of the fact that you are dreaming but you dont wake up and you keep on dreaming.

So back on track. As I said, I have been having consecutive Lucid dreams. Last friday, I came back from work rly late and I didnt go to bed. I stayed on the couch watching TV. I started feeling sleepy and I don't remember what happened next but I just felt like using the RR. As I went, I noticed that things were rly weird and the room lighting was way different (a dark bluish tint) and I was liek "I dont remember getting colored light bulbs" then I just found myself outside somehow and I was on the lawn. The sky was SPACE! Instead of the moon, there was SATURN! OMFG! SATURN! THE PLANET! Then I was like "This has gota be a dream" but it felt so real because I COULD READ! IN MY DREAM I COULD READ! I read the "Dead End" signt outside clearly and I could see the store signs in the distance.That's what freaked me out! You normally can't read in a dream but I could. Then I started hovering, just like that. Then I woke up on the couch on saturday morning at around 6 A.M in my basement. I felt really weird like I had been falling in a never ending hole and I was going to die if I didnt wake up. I had just had a Lucid dream (I knew I was dreaming but the dream did not stop. I walked around and I felt the grass - it felt like grass, everything was real.)

Saturday night, I actually went to sleep pretty early 'cause I was kinda scared about how I felt when I woke up. Then I had ANOTHER dream. I was at a beach and the sky was blue like Gatorade. That's the only way I can describe how blue it was. It looked like a sea but it was the sky. Also, I was all alone at the beach and there was no one around. No tanning people, I hear no cars, nothing. Just me and the sea and the weird sky and the sun. Then I started hollerin to see if I was alone and no one answered. I just walked around the beach for a while until I realised I was dreaming again. Then I saw a really big statue of my father (he's dead btw). I didn't see the face, it was really tall and my eyes hurt when I tried to look up because the sun was to bright. I don't know how, but I just knew it was him. So there, just me, the gatorade-blue sky and the statue. I tried to think about hovering like I did in my last dream but it didnt work. So I just walked around until I woke up, again with the feeling like I was falling and stuff.

Sunday I didn't have any weird dreams, but I had one of those nested dreams where u dream about a dream.

I dreamt that I woke up, took a shower, got ready got in my car and drove to school. Then I woke up, got ready got in my car and drove to school. Then I woke up again, got ready got in my car and drove to school, then I woke UP AGAIN AND GOT READY AND DROVE TO SCHOOL before finally waking up for real. I decided not to drive. I had my mom drive me to school and pick me up.

SO yeah, I think I'm going nuts. Everytime I keep asking myself if I'm dreaming. I dont even know if this stupid blog is for real or not.


EDIT: I guess these really weren't Lucid Dreams because I wasn't in complete control. But still, I knew I was in a dream.


HeroofTime55 17 years, 10 months ago

I've been having consecutive wet dreams.

Lucid dreams sound interesting, but it's no fun if you can't control the dreams (you said you couldn't hover on command).

Sometimes I'll be 'dreaming,' but I don't want to stop, don't want to wake up, but I don't think that really counts as a dream even.


ultim8p00 17 years, 10 months ago

I could, I hovered once when I wanted to. I was like "I'm dreaming. Sweet, i'll just hover" and I did. But the next time I couldnt

Arcalyth 17 years, 10 months ago

I've been having consecutive wet dreams.


Killpill28 17 years, 10 months ago

Lol, it least you do dream, I don't, if I ever do, it is a nightmare.

I had a Lucid nightmare. It was about the Hills have Eyes 2, my eyes tear thinking about it…

s 17 years, 10 months ago

My sister is like that,has them all the time.Its annoying,cuz its like…that's great,please shutup already

I personally have only experienced it once,in which I became aware but couldn't control anything.I woke up pretty quickly.Most of the time I have half sleep and thats nice

sk8m8trix 17 years, 10 months ago

When i was like 4-8 every day for a year I would have the same exact dream about me being older and getting married. And each day the dream went further and further… AND THAN IT WENT AWAY!! Freaky shit huh?

thernz 17 years, 10 months ago

Bleh. I keep waking up before I go to sleep than paralyze myself. >.<

PhantomModerator4 17 years, 10 months ago


Lol, it least you do dream, I don't, if I ever do, it is a nightmare.

I had a Lucid nightmare. It was about the Hills have Eyes 2, my eyes tear thinking about it…
If you had a lucid dream why didn't you stop that from happening?

Anyways, i never get lucid dreams, when i dream, I alwys think its real. :P

PhantomModerator4 17 years, 10 months ago


Sunday I didn't have any weird dreams, but I had one of those nested dreams where u dream about a dream.

I once had a dream like that1 Except i wsn't dreaming about dreaming I had a dream i was working on a game.

DSG 17 years, 10 months ago

nope, sometimes we awaken in our dreams and due to our current state of being (sleep) our imagination is progect onto ourselves (like, if i realize im dreaming, im like screw this and daydream about whatever i want to see hear feel and touch) however, sometimes we are DREAMING that we realize we are dreaming, and theirfor have no control. if you were truely awake in your dream, y wouldnt you realize u could just have some fun. nothing would come unexpected, because its exactly the same as day dreaming only while asleep. mhmm

i havnt had a dream where i am fully aware i am dreaming in a long time… last time, i just decided to get laid by the chick i liked in my spanish class ;]