P R O J E C T S _ U P D A T E

Posted by ultim8p00 on May 29, 2007, 1:28 p.m.

**This can also be found on my projects page.


The Undertaking is now 15% complete.

-I fixed the bug where after you come out of the dungeon and into the cave, the games slows down drastically.

-Also fixed a bug that caused the view to move rapidly before centering on the player.

-I added pseudo-lighting to the game. It's nothing special and you probably know what I'm talking about if you've played the original Lucon.

-The Underground Dungeon is almost complete. All I have to do now is script the cutscene for the Boss fight (The Boss fight is already in place).

-There's been a slight change in the sword fighting. Before, you could use either C or X to slash. Now you only use C. X does an instant-kill stab but it aborts if you get hit before the stab completes.

-I reduced the number of hearts you start out with from 5 to 2.

-I fixed some dialog issues. You still can't skip cutscenes, but you can speed up the text by pressing space.

-EDIT** I forgot to say that I also added a lance as a weapon. Won't come into play until later in the game.

-Revamped title screen

-A few other non-significant optimizations such as coding…etc.


Katakijin is now 5% complete.

-I completely changed the Ninja's attack animations. They kick even more ass.

-You can now wall jump the same wall, kind of like megaman wall jump, except it looks cooler because he is a Ninja and he rolls when he does it. I added it because I just thought up some insane obstacle levels that would make you guys break your computers.

-I added the first enemy. A swordsman. Does a three hit combo that fully connects if you let it.

-Uhm what else…damage. Damage for this game is going to be pretty insane. Think like maybe five hits and you die. Given that a single enemy can have a three hit combo and yeah…if you can't handle that, then you are not Ninja enough.

In non related news, I just downloaded a shell pack to make my XP computer look like VISTA…and I'm loving it! It's an almost-perfect recreation (no 3D windows and whatnot)


Requiem 17 years, 8 months ago

W O W , _ W H A T _ A N _ A N N O Y I N G _ B L O G _ T I T L E .

stampede 17 years, 8 months ago

Haha, JakeX :D

RetroVortex 17 years, 8 months ago

Sounds like you've done a fair bit of work…



+30 XP

+100 GIL

poultry 17 years, 8 months ago

The making too many games at once monster attacks!

ultim8p00 unleashes Project Lucon!

monster attacks Project Lucon: 0% completion left

monster double attacks and hits ultim8p00!

ultim8p00 is DEVESTATED! -500000 HP!

ultim8p00 is dead!

<script language="Javascript">//

function yes2(){//

alert("Respawn costs 500 Digits, you need more digits!");//



function no2(){//

alert("ultim8p00 ends his quest here.");//





| Respawn? |

|  <u><span ondblclick="yes2();">Yes</span></u>  |  <span ondblclick="no2();"><u>No</u></span>  |


poultry 17 years, 8 months ago

My JS got blocked =[

ultim8p00 17 years, 8 months ago

lol RetroVortex

Zelda ftw

Rob 17 years, 8 months ago



LoserHands 17 years, 8 months ago

G O O D_L U C K_W I T H_L U C O N_I_L O V E D_ T H E_F I R S T !_I T W A S_R E A L L Y_F A R K I N G_A W E S O M E_D U D E!

stampede 17 years, 8 months ago

Katakijin looks and feels awesome! But I found annoying bug: when you roll under a block and stop, then jump, you can fly all the way up through blocks.

ultim8p00 17 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I already fixed that bug in the newest version