Hey, despite how much fun my Nintendo Wii has been, I have to sell it. I really need money for college right now so this is what I'm selling:
Like-New Nintendo WiiWifi AdapterExtra WiimoteExtra NunchuckClassic Controller5 AAA Games:Legend Of ZeldaMario GalaxySuper Paper MarioResident Evil 4: WiiWii SportsA bunch of Virtual Console GamesOn Ebay, I'm selling all of this at a bid starting at $250, but if anyone is willing to pay $500, I'll sell it to them (free shipping).As for 64digit members though, if anyone on here is willing to pay $430 for it, I'll go ahead and change the price on Ebay so they can buy it at that price (free shipping).So there. I really don't want to, especially with Brawl and No More Heroes on the Horizon, but I have to. You can even see that I'm selling it at a loss here, but I really need that dough.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESEX:IT&item=190185946120&_trksid=p3984.cSELL.m315.lVI
O_o. Dude. You sold it at the wrong time. You should have sold it 1/2 weeks ago. You would have netted $1500+ on it.
Aw, sad news. I would buy it, but I have a Wii, and all of those games, except Resident Evil. =(
Isn't there anything else you can sell? I mean, GH3 is out for the Wii, and it's online, which means instant pwnage. I'll just shut up now. >_>Well, good luck with college. =)Kenon, you're such a bad dealer…
You would have netted 1500+ for just the wii, extra wiimote, wifi adapter, extra nunchuck and classic controller.Another 300-400 for the games. And if it was last-minute with overnight shipping, forget it, it would be like twice the price.Dude…you should have sold it before christmas, you would have gotten enough money to live the rest of your life.
Telling me about how much I would have made is not going to help much guys.
Yeah, what's done is done, too bad though. Sorry, I already have a Wii.
Get awesome. Go Pro. Make Millions! lol
Just got my Wii - SPM is awesome!
Whoa, is the shipping rate correct? It says Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope, I think those are not large enough to hold all that Wii stuff. >->
I sell stuff on eBay all the time, those ARE small!