Venting Out: Ninja Gaiden II

Posted by ultim8p00 on June 5, 2008, 11:03 p.m.

So I've been playing a lot of Ninja Gaiden II lately, especially for inspiration and stuff like that for katakijin (yes, I'm still working on it), and I just want to sum up the game in one word:


VERY hardcore. It's hard. It's DIFFICULT. No kidding. If you don't know what you are doing, you are not going to have fun AT ALL with this game. Here are my some of my most frustrating experiences with the game:

By the way, SPOILER ALERT!!!

1. I was surrounded by about 10 to 12 Ninjas, and each of them threw explosive kunais at me, ALL THE TIME. Imagine getting stickied with an explosive Kunai every second. It's just insane. And these Ninjas don't do that "let's all attack one at a time" thing either. The will POUND you, ALL OF THEM. Think you can run away? No, you can't. Sorry. These Ninjas will follow you up a wall, they will run along walls, they will shimmy on poles, they will FREAKING TELEPORT. Make no mistake, they WILL catch you, unless you cross a river or something, then they will just spam explosive shurikens or flaming arrows at you.

2. Imagine fighting ROBOTIC DEMONS. Yes, demon robots. Like regular demons weren't bad enough. But wait, imagine fighting THREE robotic demons…along with guys that have rocket launchers that shoot…17 to 20 ROCKETS at once. Nope, I'm not exaggerating. Imagine having three rocket-guys…all firing 20 rockets at you..that's about 60 rockets…then the demon robots are after you as well. I'm not even kidding. You think that's it? Imagine all that ALONG with a GIGANTIC OGRE that basically covers the arena. Oh wait, you think he's even remotely slow because he's a big ogre? Hahahaha. This is Ninja Gaiden bitch.

3. A werewolf picked up the head of a dead enemy and threw it at me, and I was like "seriously? wtf?" and right after that, one threw a leg at me and another threw an entire torso at me, then one just came out of nowhere and rushed me to the ground, then punched three times in the face as I was on the ground. I shook him off, then another just football-charged me. Werewolves are like the most annoying enemies in the game. You have to kill them FAST.

4. Demon-train with a human face. Look this guy up on youtube (Ninja Gaiden II chapter 3 boss). This has to be the most annoying boss in the game. He's actually not hard to kill at all. But see, there's one thing with him. He has this attack where he basically RAINS lightning balls at you. And I mean RAIN. Nonstop. Imagine a chaingun that shoots lightning balls. He usually sucks at aiming it, but sometimes he just catches you off guard. ALSO, he has a plasma-face attack that is unblockable and homes in on you and instant kills you. Sometimes, he doesn't really feel like doing it. Sometimes, he decides to SPAM it endlessly. That's just how he is.

5. Ninja dogs with knives and explosive shurikens in their mouth. "But they are just dogs" you say. WRONG. These dogs will destroy you. Completely.

6. Back to the rocket launcher guys. Theres a place where there are land mines on the floor, but the mines are covered in snow. There are footsteps in the snow that you must follow carefully. And I DO mean CAREFULLY. You have to walk on the footsteps, not just follow the general path. Now, that doesn't sound too hard does it? Except that while walking, you get to this place where there's a building with windows facing you and there are Ninjas in there…Ninjas with rocket launchers. Like NINE of them shooting at you. One after the other. If you move, MINEFIELD. If you don't, ROCKET UP YOUR ASS. Also, you don't just get hit by one mine. One mine tosses you into the other and it's a chain reaction until you're pretty much dead or the rocket guys kill you. Oh yeah, keep in mind that the rocket guys are STILL shooting at you even though you're getting blown to bits by the mines.

This is Ninja Gaiden II folks. The difficulty curve is like Hard->Very Hard->Ridiculous->Death.


DesertFox 16 years, 7 months ago


melee-master 16 years, 7 months ago

That sounds hardcore indeed.

F1u 16 years, 7 months ago

Are you still working on TU? I was really looking forward to that, moreso that katakijin.

Ferret 16 years, 7 months ago

ninjas? robots? rockets? this is my kind of game!

firestormx 16 years, 7 months ago
Rolf_Soldaat 16 years, 7 months ago

It comes out here today :).

ultim8p00 16 years, 7 months ago

hahaha that devil may cry 4 review was priceless.

Rolf_Soldaat 16 years, 7 months ago

I just finished it on way of the warrior, man that was hell.

Let's just say I got the achievement for continueing 100 times.

ultim8p00 16 years, 7 months ago

Oh, warrior is not that hard. This blog is based on me playing on Mentor. It gets MUCH MUCH worse. It took me 7 days to beat the game on Warrior, but it has taken me 4 days just to get past the first two chapters on Mentor.

By the way how do you like those multiple rocket fuckers?

Rolf_Soldaat 16 years, 7 months ago

I hate those guys almost as much as the dogs, I usually rush them with the claws and go izuna on their asses.

I'm currently doing warrior second playthrough, trying to get twin-swordsmaster + all chapters master ninja.