Posted by ultim8p00 on July 16, 2006, 1:07 p.m.

'Sup everyone…i'll like to introduce myself…

I really dont want to give away my real name, but I go by the alias ULTIM8P00 and i've been using Game Maker for about 3 years now. I have made several games but I havent published any of them mainly because I wanted to hone my skills…..ok we all know that's a huge lie. I'm really just lazy and never get around to complete anything. Hopefully, that should change with my latest WIP game, Lucon, which should be up in about a week. It's a platform shooter game just like COMMANDO from FAIND and COLDGEARZ. Be sure to check my blog for updates and new screenshots…

Edit: Like the Blog style?…. I'm going for a simplistic look…almost like that of the 64 digits' pages…


Cesar 18 years, 7 months ago

welcome to 64digits, don't worry, you'll eventually give away your real first name…

anyways, glad you joined, the mods here are really cool and funny, just be sure to be on their good side, ok? XD

basilamer 18 years, 7 months ago

WELCOME!this place is the best.Mr.Pacman is right

Alx 18 years, 7 months ago

Finnaly a new person who follows the rules about blogs!

Welcome to 64 digits

ultim8p00 18 years, 7 months ago

Wow, this place really IS nicer than the GMC. Usually when a new person makes an intro post, people go crazy with the "rofl omg haxor u noob lol nub stupid nub i hate nubs your mom sucks lmfao ur mom screws llamas" retarded comments. Thanks for the warm welcome guys

be sure to check back as i will be posting updates in some form on my latest WIP

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 7 months ago

We respect you because you write in complete sentences, follow the rules of grammar, and have correct spelling and punctuation. Keep it up!

raketooy 18 years, 7 months ago

Welcome, ULTIM8P00. You've definitely got the best nick here. ;)

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

Who's Ultim? Why'd they eat poo?


Anyways, welcome to 64D. I'm glad that you have the decency to type correctly, and more than 1 line, even on your first blog. You'll fit in fine here. The only things that you are going to want to know about this place are:

1.) The mod's and admins are cool, and have a personality around here, unlike on the GMC.

2.) Don't be so worried about giving out your name man. Almost everyone know's each other's names around here. I'm Josh Barnett. See? I even give out my last name. I don't see why it matters, everyone here is cool.

3.) Avoid Chiken. He's bad news. Lol, I'm just kidding. ;)

4.) Last, but not least, if you don't have Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger, download them and get a screen name. It's basically the standard around here. A few people use AIM, but not many. After you get Windows Live Messenger, contact me on it. My screen name is etpayn@gmail.com

EDIT: Just so you know, the only formatting you can do in your blog title is italic, bold, and strike through.

marbs 18 years, 7 months ago

hey welcome. Here we like people who use correct spelling and grammar, follow the rules, and say awesome a lot.

twisterghost 18 years, 7 months ago


Im TG, a moderator here. Welcome to 64D!

anthonyloprimo 18 years, 7 months ago

Welcome to 64D. I hope you make many nice games, and oh! My name. I am avl1991 here and on the GMC, ChaosDragon11590 on AIM, AvlAdmn@hotmail.com on MSN and AvlAdmn@yahoo.com for my YIM. Hope to see some good games here, and I might even be able to help if ya want! This is avl1991, out!