F R I D A Y ' S _ W I I

Posted by ultim8p00 on Aug. 18, 2006, 10:34 p.m.

Yep, the first friday of the school week. Hmm, so what did I do? Well, I went to my friend's house and we chilled for a while. We had fun playing HALO 2 and watching his bearded dragon eat bugs and other things. Then we played soccer for a while, then we were supposed to go back in and play DOA but his parents got home and I just felt like leaving. I was supposed to go to a BBQ today at my gf's place but my car wasn't available.

Also, i'm starting to get pissed at developers b/c they are not using the wiimote in the right way. Except for a few games like Elebits and Mario, the others are just boring "spin the remote to spin this thing" and "make an upward motion to jump" and boring stuff like that. Developers are thinking of the remote in terms of an analog stick, hence the "spin the remote to spin this" way of thinking. Why dont they do something like Corruption did? I mean, to open a door it was a combination of things. You had to push, turn, then pull. Just like u would in real life. That's something you cant easily pull off with an analog. That's how developers should be thinking.No stupid gimmicky things.

rant on…


Alx 18 years, 6 months ago




shadowstrike32 18 years, 6 months ago

^you can make your own games for nintendo consoles. its not easy, but its possible!

WaleedAmer 18 years, 6 months ago


miky 18 years, 6 months ago

I looked up a bunch of stuff for it. There are libraries in certain programming languages that are for making games on certain Nintendo consoles, and also, the Wii has a development kit (kind of like Xbox) that will probably cost less than $2,000, so if you have that much money, you could buy it.

Malaika 18 years, 6 months ago

Also, nintendo plan to release an affordable, retail level dev kit for the DS.

ultim8p00 18 years, 5 months ago

wow..i'd buy that DS stuff