Posted by ultim8p00 on Sept. 1, 2006, 9:17 p.m.

Well, my KINESIS demo is almost ready for the public. I still have to send some test versions to "a select few" but it should be out by monday.

So with nothing else to write, I figured I'll just show you guys my what I have achieved game-wise so far:

Aah…my first game EVER. This was my own game. Using no tutorials whatsoever. I was so poroud back then…now its crap.

My second game. This was basically the 1964 game but with some tweaking of mine and some additions. You could shoot rockets and boosts and you had a helper and you could throw a supah bomb that cleared the screen.Notice the cel-shaded style cartoony graphics.

My third game. This one was BIG…at the time. I showed this game at the GMC under a different username. I had about FIVE usernames at the GMC lol.

The next BIG game I made. I had soo much ambition with this one. It was a complete game, the only complete game I ever made. The graphics were completely redone by me, but the original game, BII-NARY, was made by spydaman so i had to ask him rights to publish this clone. He said no so I never did. No one has ever goten their hands on this and they never will unless spyd gives me permision. LOL notice the jet flames coming out of his ass

This wasn't a game perse, but more llike an engine. I was trying to develop a shooter engine where the character was dynamic and you could take of the torso sprite and replace it with another with a different weapon and have the legs still animate. This was also where I started developing the AI that would later pop up in LUCON.

Another game that I released under a different alias at the GMC. In this game, you could slow down time to solve puzzles. Also you could double jump, wall jump and edge jump(like wall jump but with edges only). It was a really good game and my pixeling skills were improving.

This was the ULTIMATE game for me. This is what I dreamed of making when i picked up gamemaker. This game was SOO good. It had never ever goten ANY negative reviews. You used your mouse to control the weapon and you could dual-wield weapons. You shot weapon 1 with the left mouse and weapon two eith the right. You threw grenades with "G" i think..or maybe "X". It was a really good game but I got bored. I still plan on releasing this game as a sort of 10 minute "kill everything" minigame.

This is obviously the pinnacle of my achievments so far. This game is almost a combination of all what I have learned up till now. This is LUCON. Some of you on 64D have played this game and you know what it is. If you haven't played it yet, check it out.

AAhh…KINESIS. My current WIP. This game was partly inspired by revisiting BII-NARY and partly inspired by DOUKUTSU MONOGATARI.

Well, there you go. My complete gamemaker protfolio. I had nothing to post and I hadnt posted in a while so I decided to post this. Read and drop some comments…


Rez 18 years, 4 months ago

Damn, they all look/sound awesome

thernz 18 years, 4 months ago

I demand d/l links please. :D

Acid 18 years, 4 months ago

I agree. I would like to play a lot of these games. :)

chiggerfruit 18 years, 4 months ago

Haha i will definitely take a look at a Lucon now. I would play so many games if i wasn't too lazy about it.

ultim8p00 18 years, 4 months ago

Most of these games have been deleted, with the few exceptions like Lucon, The Insignia,Jaune, and KINESIS. I had screen shots of them on my photobucket so I just got them from there.

I will digg into my HD to see if I can find copies or even sources.

LOL to those who have played LUCON:

Have you noticed that the main character in THE INSIGNIA (The game with dual weilding) is the same guy that gives you your mission briefing in LUCON?

When I made LUCON, i wanted to link the two games somehow but i got lazy

Flea1991 18 years, 4 months ago

Sweet! :d

oliv 18 years, 3 months ago

Impressive :O

spydaman is a complete jackass

ultim8p00 18 years, 3 months ago

He was actually planning to release BIII-NARY but I havent heard anything

sinkhead 18 years, 3 months ago

They all look really good. THe graphics I mean. I really like the graphic style on that BII-NARY… Kinda looks a little like my DOS_TANK