90's Europop ftw!

Posted by username on June 13, 2008, 10:01 p.m.

My friend Danny (otherwise known as ffs-dontcare) showed this to me. Try not to laugh when you watch this. I dare you.

I can't help but wonder if they actually took themselves seriously. It's so incredibly stupid.

Anyway, my new avatar. It is Nosferatu the Vampyre. I will probably change it soon. It's kind of.. cute, in a creepy way.

For those of you who haven't seen it, it's posted on youtube. It goes for an hour and twenty minutes.

I might as well post more videos. I'm bored.

Yes, this one is very stereotypical, and is not the true life of nerds. But I still like it. Cosplay looks fun. I would dress up as.. a ninja fairy. Or just a fairy. Or a medieval warrior princess who is not like Xena. I have never played D&D though. Now I feel kind of nostalgic for when I used to pretend to be in age of Empires, when I was like seven. I was a strange child but I had a good imagination.

Charlie the Unicorn 2, if you haven't seen it already:

Some of it are lame attempts to be funny.. But some of it is so ridiculous that it's funny.

And thankyou to everyone who commented on my last journal entry. I am still deciding what to put on it..
