The Economy

Posted by username on Sept. 26, 2008, 10:24 p.m.

According to some, there will be another depression due to the economic strife. I only have a very vague understanding of it because I don't know much about economics. It was brought to my attention in this thread -

To be honest, the prospect excited the childish and idealistic part of me. It's terrible I know, it will probably be much worse than this, and more complicated.

This is what I imagined:

When it first happened, many had lost their jobs and homes and were forced to go elsewhere. They put their money together to buy fuel, and crowded into their cars.

Later, bikes became the primary means for transport, due to fuel being unaffordable for most. Riding bikes in the middle of the road became normal and permissable. Laws regarding squatting and camping in public places were relaxed.

Abandoned restaurants and petrol stations remained on the roadside, as a nostalgic reminder of the past. Corporations no longer existed. Plastic bottles and wrappers and graffiti covered billboards remained, like relics from the past.

Some people lived like bohemians in hippie communes. Permanent campsites were set up. People were creative with what they had. Clothes were old, recycled, or D.I.Y. Old furnature and blankets were used, arranged nicely inside the tents, caravans, or old vehicles that really had no use anymore but to be slept in. Things were kept until damaged beyond use, and recycled in some way.

Food was no longer processed, pre-packaged and sold at the supermarket. Instead, people started to grow their own food in these communes. They kept chickens, and grew vegetable gardens and planted fruit trees.

Children amused themselves with old toys, their imaginations, and their own games. There were no more new shiny plastic toys or video games imported from China to be sold at the nearest chain store. Others amused themselves by reading, surfing, playing guitar or a home-made instrument, or making things.

Here is a list of things I made to carry by yourself:

- A bag you can easily carry.

- Practical, comfortable clothes with many pockets. A trench coat, perhaps. Shoes that won't break any time soon. And the rest.

- Knives. Scissors. Safety pins for when your clothes start to fall apart, maybe one of those little sewing kits.

- Matches or a lighter.

- Spare batteries, a torch.

- Canned foods and instant noodles. Instant coffee packets. A reasonably sized bottle of water.

- First aid, medical needs. Bandages.

- Personal hygeine items. Hair brush, tissues, toothbrush, etc. You don't want to become feral.

- A bible or a survival handbook or whatever your favourite book is, a journal or notebook, pens, photos. Chalk, writing on the road is fun.

- A usb on string around your neck with all your pictures and sentimental emails and music stored on it, incase you get a chance to use it again.

- A bike with tyre repair stuff.

I might think of more stuff later.

I'm tired of writing now.

What you you all think about this situation, how do you think it will actually effect you? It probably won't effect me as much, being in Australia.


Kenon 16 years, 4 months ago

Nah, wwe won't be in THAT much trouble.

We won't not have processed food.

username 16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, you're probably right.

KaBob799 16 years, 4 months ago

There would be no reason for things to get that bad,

username 16 years, 4 months ago

My imagination gets carried away sometimes.. By the way, is there any way I can get the rest of my blog back?

Quietus 16 years, 4 months ago

In the future, our wars will be fought over instant noodles and coffee packets.

also, home-made instruments ftw

F1ak3r 16 years, 4 months ago

As a South African, I'm pretty safe from all of this, but I'm not sure why, I just heard somewhere that something about my country's economy prevents it from being affected by all this.

An Australian, eh? Not perhaps ex-South African? I swear half that country is South African immigrants. I knew a good *counts* 20 people who moved there.

username 16 years, 4 months ago

There does seem to be a lot of South Africans here. About six teachers at my school are South African, and at least seven people in my grade.

I was born here though.

Kenon 16 years, 4 months ago

Pfft. The only equipment you ever need is a towel.

DSG 16 years, 4 months ago

our government has taken away our wealth little by little and now the economy is failing. you know, money isnt worth anything technically, its a check of debt… this money is LOANED to you by your government, and expected to e payed back… WITH INTEREST. where do u get the money to pay the interest? well, you gotta BORROW IT FROM THE GOVERNMENT. its a viscious debt-creating cycle. its failing finally cuz debts are just too big to handle. we're some trillion in debt now. the government controls with money. forever ago they took most of our valuables… e.g. the gold seizure act where u HAD to forfiet your gold for a check [paper money] yup. look it up. watch zeitgeist.

username 16 years, 4 months ago

Thankyou, I shall.

Quote: Kenon
Pfft. The only equipment you ever need is a towel.