How do you use code?

Posted by wazu on Dec. 4, 2007, 10:48 p.m.

Lol, title unrelated (I've been using code for years… just in case the title threw you off - but acting like a n00b was the only way to get someone to come to mah neck of the woods.)

Well, fist of all,

teh school is a retard

D=. - I'll explain:

I was in maths, and about to log into my account, but… "Username or password not correct", so I checked connections (sometimes it can come unplugged from the school network) and tried again - Still no luck. I then got Mr Mackrory (mah maths teacher) to come over and check it out. He was stumped by the problem, so he called the main computer technician guy…

Turns out my account had been deleted without me knowing by the head computer guy. Why? - Because I had a .exe file, and rather than check out what it was, he's gone and deleted all my files and my account. - That would have been annoying, definitely, but the thing that made it worse is that the Maths assignment I had on the computer was due ON THAT DAY. -Fortunately, Mr. Mack was understanding and let me off (phew).

As I write this, I'm writing a destructible terrain thing (bah, it's not hard and I've done it before). Not sure how it could be useful, but oh well. - DONE, and it doesn't screw around with the textures, so it doesn't look all strange!! =D

Righteo, links: The lighting engine from the last blog, I kinda killed it while doing something else and then attempted to fix it.

The destructible terrain that doesn't screw with the textures (you can adjust the size of the smallest piece by looking in the collision with destroyer code and changing the if statement at the top)

Well, that's all for now… OO! and if you want to use that grass tile, give creds to me please (made it in photoshop from a picture of my back yard O_O).

(just had the idea of combine the lighting and the destructible terrain… hehe)

Okay, I tried it…. it looks amazing, but it runs at just over 1 FPS on average when the two systems are combined:


Rob 17 years, 2 months ago


I tried to make a light engine… you made a light engine… I make a game with destructible terrain… you do the same time. At least mine runs at 220fps instead of 1 <_< (although thats without lighting…)

Arcalyth 17 years, 2 months ago

how do i shot web

bendodge 17 years, 2 months ago

For a few seconds I thought that was a lame spaceship model breaking through a plane with serious clipping problems.

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 2 months ago

^ Yup, same. XD

wazu 17 years, 2 months ago

My destructible engine runs at 298 FPS XD (computer differences?)

And I kinda just wondered if I could make it…

Well, idk.

MMOnologueguy 17 years, 2 months ago

I got about 124 max FPS with that lighting. wow my PC is teh roxorz.

Rob 17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, computer differences, 3ghz (you) v.s. 2.2ghz (me), and my graphics card is epic fail. (Not even ATI or nVidia…)

Ryan-Phoenixan 17 years, 2 months ago

I must have the same sort of PC you do. :P The combined ones also ran at about 5 fps on my machine.

OL 17 years, 2 months ago

You're doing it all wrong for realtime shadows.

PY 17 years, 2 months ago

Not bad.

I have to admit, I thought that pic was of an awful looking sun shooting through some crap trees, looking crappy.

It wasn't, it looks kewl.