The 64Digits questionnaire!

Posted by wazu on Dec. 14, 2007, 2:04 a.m.

Alright guys, time for me to ask YOU some questions to get some more hits to know you guys better.

2048 hits btw…. which is 2^11.

Okay, on with the questionnaire!!

1. How long have you been on 64Digits?

2. What is your user id?

3. Name something you've done… but now regret.

4. What is your star sign?

5. Which island do you live on for fuck's sake!?!?!?!?! (for Rob only)

6. What consoles/hand-helds/phones do you have?

7. Do you live in a coastal area?

8. Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo?

9. PC or Mac? (lawl, dun choose Mac…. for your own personal safety)

10. If I said to you, "M249 SAW LMG", what would you say?

11. Can you shoop woop?

12. How many Rams do j00 have in j00r PC?

13. Nvidea or Radeon?

14. Cats or Dogs?

15. Goats or sheep?

16. Jersey or Friesian?

17. M1A2 or T90? (lawl if you choose T90)

18. Do you thing the blog editor sucks ass?

19. Do you thing V3 is on par with Santa and the Easter bunny?

20. Do you think it's wrong to kill animals for sport? (lol… lmao…. XD XD XD)

21. Will you answer question 25?

22. Who is the fattest member of 64Digits? (well, I really don't have a clue…. do you?)

23. Are you a furry?

24. Firefox, Opera, IE (lawl) or Netscape (OMFG LMAO PEOPLE USE THIS?!?!?).

25. How do you discipline a cat?

Alright…. answer…. NAO!!!


mrmediocrity 17 years, 2 months ago

No, it's about $800 (NZD). Where have you been looking Wazu?

wazu 17 years, 2 months ago

You're looking at the 40 gig, I'm talking about the 80.

mrmediocrity 17 years, 2 months ago

$400 for an extra 40 GB? I guess it's Ridiculous after all. Unless there are some other REALLY good perks?

wazu 17 years, 2 months ago

Like actually being able to play most PS2 titles? - Yeah.

40Gb can't emulate at all, except it can play PS1 games.

60Gb is discontinued, but it could ACTUALLY PLAY ALL PS2 GAMES.

80Gb plays most, but not some of the newer PS2 games.

MMOnologueguy 17 years, 2 months ago

1. How long have you been on 64Digits?

about 2 years, slightly less. only been active for past few month(s) though.

2. What is your user id?

I dont seem to remember.

3. Name something you've done… but now regret.

*runs away and cries in corner*

4. What is your star sign?

I dunno

5. Which island do you live on for fuck's sake!?!?!?!?! (for Rob only)


6. What consoles/hand-helds/phones do you have?

PS1, PS2, Xbox, Xbox360, gamecube, WII, gameboy color, gameboy advance, gameboy SP, nintendo DS, some almost useless phone that was almost free.

7. Do you live in a coastal area?

Define 'coastal'

8. Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo?


9. PC or Mac? (lawl, dun choose Mac…. for your own personal safety)


10. If I said to you, "M249 SAW LMG", what would you say?

ZOMG A SUPER 249 TIMES THE POWER OF AN M1 TANK THING… IN SAW FORM!!!!!111!!!!one!!!!!!!!eleventy!

11. Can you shoop woop?

from the hoop.

12. How many Rams do j00 have in j00r PC?

2 gigs of them

13. Nvidea or Radeon?


14. Cats or Dogs?

Cats yay

15. Goats or sheep?

sheep are fluffy. goats are horny. I choose sheep.

16. Jersey or Friesian?

you mean fresian cows O.o?

17. M1A2 or T90? (lawl if you choose T90)

??? what is this technospeak?

18. Do you thing the blog editor sucks ass?


19. Do you thing V3 is on par with Santa and the Easter bunny?


20. Do you think it's wrong to kill animals for sport? (lol… lmao…. XD XD XD)

ZOMG of course.

*takes out M249 SAW LMG and saws in half teh hunterzorz*

21. Will you answer question 25?


22. Who is the fattest member of 64Digits? (well, I really don't have a clue…. do you?)


23. Are you a furry?

nah I had my fur confiscated by desertfox…

24. Firefox, Opera, IE (lawl) or Netscape (OMFG LMAO PEOPLE USE THIS?!?!?).

LMAO internet explorer LMAO i'm a noob

25. How do you discipline a cat?

giving it whatever it wants for a week

wazu 17 years, 2 months ago

Lol….. way to discipline it XD