I smell fail... and a PS3!

Posted by wazu on Dec. 28, 2007, 11:12 p.m.

I has a PS3, completely happy with it.

And I now have two PS2s (due to the fact I got a 40 gig PS3 because they stopped selling ALL the other versions) - 40 gig can't play PS2 games….. and neither could my old PS2…. it gave up the ghost RIGHT ON it's 6th birthday…. RIP.

So…. I now have 2 copies of Gran Turismo 3, and 3 copies of Gran Turismo 4 (lol, that makes me a SUPER GT FANBOY!!!!!)

Anyway, loving Oblivion, only been able to play it for 12 hours so far (not in one sitting though), but it's awesome.

Lol, mah decompiling of explorer.exe in the last blog made some pretty funny comments. (Technically it was all true what I said…. but I worded it in a way to see what I would get…. in this case, flame and fail XD).


Quote: E-Magination

There is, SJF. It's

warn = fail * stupid / making sense.

I'mma port this calculation to both Python and GML so everyone would be able to see how much this fails.

In fact….. you fail!

Quote: from my last blog
if "warn = fail * stupid / making sense", then we can re-arrange that.

warn * making sense= fail * stupid

warn * making sense / stupid = fail

and, if my warn is 0, then the following is true:

0 * making sense / stupid = fail

0 = fail

and so, my fail level is 0.


Quote: Phazon_Yoshi



/0 takes things to infinity, so


That's… above ban level, right?

Quote: from my last blog
Phazon_Yoshi…. wtf. 1/0 is both plus AND minus infinity, so I could be infinitely below ban level.


Quote: Maxcore

Vista does the same thing just there are 18 dots instead. As for the screen shot, the release of Windows XP looked like that too except you had to change your menu styling to classic or something.

Nope, ever since the retarded computer repair man came around, I've been unable to change my desktop theme.

Anyway, how would I get only part of it changed? (the start menu is not classic)

My theme looks like the following (the name is different because it's why I was poking around explorer.exe in the first place):

Media Center blue it's called.

Quote: Maxcore

You sir are the epitome stupid.

p.s. what is the big deal about referring to the windows server codename? I duel boot my PC running the released version of Vista and it comes up as vista/longhorn loader which was the codename for vista. OMG IT IS AN EVIL CONSPIRACY

Yeah, the conspiracy part was a joke, but don't you think they should have it show the final name, rather than the codename? - Seems unfinished is all.


Quote: JoshDreamland

Silly ass, those aren't from previous builds.

Right click your taskbar and hit properties.

Lo, there they are.





DISCLAIMER: Sorry if you got quoted, but uhhh, learn basic Algebra and check your facts before even attempting to flame.


s 17 years, 1 month ago

You should of just stayed away from even touching their pseudocode. Pseudocode and flaming just make people look like puff cherries

OBELISK 17 years, 1 month ago

I smell fail… and a PS3!

What's the difference?

Kenon 17 years, 1 month ago

"if "warn = fail * stupid / making sense", then we can re-arrange that.

warn * making sense= fail * stupid

warn * making sense / stupid = fail

and, if my warn is 0, then the following is true:

0 * making sense / stupid = fail

0 = fail

and so, my fail level is 0."

That's assuming Stupid!=0. And since there are no real negative values of stupidity, you are officially an idiot.

Kenon 17 years, 1 month ago

Oh, and don't try to pull out that 0*inf=0.

Assuming inf=Any Natural Number/0, then 0*inf=all the positive integers.

Yeah. Infinity is strange like that.

F1u 17 years, 1 month ago

"I smell fail."

Well when was the last time you took a shower dude? I'm just kidding, I'm sure you smell like…roses…XD

[deleted user] 17 years, 1 month ago

I smell fail… and a PS3!
What's the difference?

My thoughts exactly.

wazu 17 years, 1 month ago

Kenon, infinity is like……………. gah, nobody can comprehend it. - but anything * 0 = 0.

Elementary, my dear Watson.

And PS3 isn't fail (I have to defend my $720 purchase I got discounted from $800 by having a cousin who works at the Warehouse…. BOOYAH!!!)

Kenon 17 years, 1 month ago

Infinity is a rule breaker.

remember that any number divided by a number multiplied by the denominator of the fraction is equal to the numerator.


See, Infinity is an irrational number that does not follow the rules of rational numbers at ALL.

Watch as I demonstrate it.

Due to the addition principle,



Unfortunately, that makes Infinity irrational.

Elementary does not deal with Irrationals, Wazu. It does not follow either addition or multiplication postulate.

Ok, lets say yours is right. Infinity can be written as 1/0. Assuming that anything multiplied by 0=0, take this.






Sorry man, but in no case should infinity*0 be equal to 0. It's just impossible.

stampede 17 years, 1 month ago

I was going to say just the same as Zane :O

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

You… quoted me?

x/0 is equal to x*inf, afaik.

You may be right, but my EPIF CAIL!!!!!! is waaay less than your last blog.

On a lighter note, thanks for quoting me, and omgwtf, can I attack explorer.exe in Visty, and how do I do so?