Bzzt!! Wazu's back!

Posted by wazu on April 13, 2008, 3:40 a.m.

^That sound is a defibrillator - just so you know =P

Well, after my… hmm… 100 days… exactly… of inactivi– wait… this is a leap year, oh… Nope, it still works out at 100 days of inactivity. Anyways, the point is I'm back, and the other point is you probably don't know who I am anymore =P.

Well, instead of telling you, I'm going to tell you what I've been up to. Well, I started playing Battlefield 2 more, in specific Sandbox mod. And well, I figured if they can do it, why not make my own mod? So I teamed up with a guy called CrazyIvan1745 (I doubt that's his real name though), and we've put together a private beta, and we have a server up for it =D. If you're interesting, you can check it out at - Version 0.3 (the first public version) is coming out soon so, if you have a 1/4 of a gig spare and a copy of BF2, then you may want to check out that site when the downloads are up!

Anyway, more recently I decided I should make a topdown game, and in the process I got my lighting engine to be….. lightning fast… that was cheesy and I apologize. Basically, I'm using the lighting for some awesome effects, primarily for being unable to look around corners, which was ALWAYS a problem in the top-down genre. Also, if the AI doesn't see you for 2 seconds or more, then they start to actively search for you. At this stage, the searching is like bumper cars, and they walk around, bumping into walls and then turning in a new direction, but the principle is there at least! Also, for weapons you get, an SMG, an even smaller smg, the biggest, baddest shotgun you've ever seen, a sniper rifle complete with scope, a rocket launcher you can break-down walls with, a minigun, an electric-beam thingy, a cigarette lighter and a fire extinguisher… Oh and you get a sword too. Another cool feature of the lightning and the electric gun is the randomly-generated lightning effect, which completely OWNS! Did I mention slow motion and rain effects? - Which look great together. And no, it's not crappy lowering-the-room-speed slowmo, it's proper, global-variables-on-everything slowmo. I don't know if/when/how/where/what/who I'll use it on, but it's just so awesome. Also, the intro features a simulation of earth and other things in 3D with 3D gravity, which I could make a minigame out of… It's crucial to the storyline, but admittedly a little random. Also, the game detects which country you come from, so it will drop subtle hints about how the character comes from there… y'know.

Crikey, good luck reading THAT block of text =P. - Leave comments please, I'll upload some screenies when I'm not working on it.


PY 16 years, 10 months ago

Hi wazu, I wondered where you'd gone.

marbs 16 years, 10 months ago

Nice banner ;)