GWF and other stuff

Posted by wiredbomb0 on July 25, 2007, 3:24 a.m.


Get Wired Forums

GWF is slowly growing. We cover most game programming. I'm also thinking adding a ST Tournament section or somthing like that. We may only have 12 members, but five or six users are quite active. And so, I'm hoping to get a few more. Please feel free to sign up at:

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Thanks if you sign up. It's really getting somewhere. oh BTW heres some stats:

Our members have made a total of 490 posts

We have 12 registered members

The newest member is sharpshooter

Most users ever online was 30 on Jul 13 2007, 12:36 AM


I recently got a new game for my DS, nanostray. it a bit over the top allowing to kill like 50000 little spaceships per level. I recently just had my birthday, and now im 14 =). i goit a wireless desktop ( i hate cords!), a Samsung x680V mobile phone (it has bluetooth), several games and i brought an adapter for the bluetooth so i can get files to and from my PC.


s 17 years, 7 months ago
wiredbomb0 17 years, 7 months ago

LOL ty, just fixed it then!