Bit busy

Posted by xinco on June 4, 2007, 11:44 a.m.

My life…

Ok, Im really busy right now, and Im getting a little bit stressed. I'm doing 30 mins - 1 hour of body building each night, i've just started my couse work for my exams and I know this gurl…

Body building - I started a while a go and its already had an effect. First of all the obvious. When I tense my arm, people get impressed. I win arm wrestles. I am strong.(for a teenager of my age). Also, my weight has got up by ~50%. Mainly because muscle weighs more than fat. Finally, I feel a little strained, but thats an expected side effect.

School - Just started course work. That means I was allowed to drop any subjects I didn't want to study. Right now I'm studying: German, Science(x3), Maths((higher)x2), IT, IT diploma(they are different), English, History, PE, Electronics(circuit boards, designing and making). Its going to be hard but i'm up for it and so far its been ok.

Gurl - I've known her for years but recently we've become friends and been talking a lot. Nothing sexual in mind. Not much confidence but I hope things go well. Any tips?

Other Stuff - I've got eczema. Its a really annoying. When I go to the doctors, they give me this really strong cream. It works but it contains steroids, so it can only be used for 2 weeks, then it comes back. Right now i'm trying allergy pills. Slight improvement.


marbs 17 years, 9 months ago

You've just started coursework? I was at that stage 2 years ago. Im at the next part of it all right now - the exams =(

turbo_toons 17 years, 9 months ago
Jaxx 17 years, 9 months ago

ZOMG turbo toons rips off Marbs =O