GMC Link:
GM Page: hit, or failing flop?Anyway, in my opinion I think it isn't worth getting a new license, but that's me. It has some improvements but not a lot. What do you all say?
it supports transparency now… honestly, thats all i care about. everything else is gravy
Does it require you to get a new license? That's news to me. My biggest question is: "How well does it handle transparent PNGs?"
I can't try GM7 but i heard that it's quite good,there had been some improvements and they corrected many bugs.
@ monkeys:On gm7 you can create your own rain.
Could you use logic and realise "hey, it came out weeks ago, maybe A HELL OF A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE ALREADY BLOGGED ABOUT IT!"
We all know that GM7 isn't a big jump from 6.1. And many, many people have already put this in their blogs. It got old after a few days.
And, no, you don't have to register again. You are guaranteed to keep your code through all versions of GM7. Don't worry about GM8, because that's obviously not coming out for a long time.