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<img src=XY1.png>

Posted by Requiem on June 21, 2005, 11 p.m.

Yay, I'm the first person ever to use an image as a blog entry title! :p

For the sake of posting something

Posted by charlo on June 21, 2005, 11 p.m.

Since I have no real news to report, I will just ramble on about nothing until I feel I have typed enough to warrant the time I spent clicking "add entry" and waiting for this page to load.

I had fish sticks for lunch today. They were positively delightful. It …

Sorta Irrelevant

Posted by o_0 on June 21, 2005, 11 p.m.

Hmm, today me and some friends were playing Bs, which is a card game. Well, this anonymus (mening, not naming them) person said "4 nine's" I thought I knew she was lying, because I had a nine in my hand. Turns out she actually had 4 nines… I think somoene …


64D E3?

Posted by flashback on June 21, 2005, 11 p.m.

I just had an idea… What if we take the 64Digits ENGINE, and host a GM e3 using it, adapting the Userpages to be more like e3 booths for a limited time? So we could have our own little e3?

Concept art for it coming soon.

Screw you, World. You suck.

Posted by konstantino on June 20, 2005, 11 p.m.

I can't post this on DG, or DE - this is the only place I can avoid Jenia and his pack of idiots who think I'm sexist.

Here's how it goes. Jenia and I were talking about how he thought I was sexist, perverse, and stereotypical. I strongly disagreed with …

Game Maker + Bordom = This

Posted by dreamcat on June 20, 2005, 11 p.m.

Well, I was bored, so I wrote a couple of things that I hate to see in games.

Boring, easy games:

In a maze game, make things to KILL the player. In a platform games, make enemies. No, not those stupid zombies walking back and forth waiting to get killed. …

Ice Cream Man

Posted by o_0 on June 20, 2005, 11 p.m.

OMG, The Ice Cream man in our neighborhood is a CHEAP BASTARD! Gosh. In my old neighborhood, a sno cone cost 75 cents. Now, this guy is selling me the same kind of sno cone for over a buck (alomst 2)!!! What the hell is wrong with these people? Money …


Some News

Posted by coolgal on June 19, 2005, 11 p.m.

I'm gonna wait before I really get involved into the "Dreams of Eternity" game. Instead, I'll make several games to get familiar with the basics of Game Maker. Speaking of the "Dreams of Eternity" game, I'll take firestormx's advice and make it a side-scrolling RPG. If I can, I may …

I am so cool

Posted by o_0 on June 19, 2005, 11 p.m.

I pwnt so many nubs today, it's not even funny. god, I AM SO COOL. Omg, yall are cretins, everyone loves me! everyone loves my views, and everyone konws they are right. Everyone joins my forum. No one joines yours. Overall I'm just a better, cool, awesomeer, sexier, smarter, inteligenter, …


Father's Day

Posted by dreamcat on June 18, 2005, 11 p.m.

Well, it's Father's Day and I'm stuck at my grandparent's house.

Anyways, the demo of Veta has gotten quite a few of positive comments. Check it out if you haven't.