Kid at my school

Posted by [SJB]Dude7 on Jan. 31, 2007, 3:03 p.m.

This kid at my school brought a knife to school that was like 6 or 7 inches and pulled it on my friend. No one got hurt, but damn, it really is kind of scary when stuff like that happens.

The bad thing is, he didn't get expelled… he got suspended for 3 days (and arrested for a short time). This other kid brought one and just had it in his backpack and got expelled.

Strange… You'd think the school system would be more protective at this stuff. My mom told me it was on the news, so I looked. ~~ Anything like this happen to you?


god 17 years, 11 months ago

Thats pretty scary. Thats never happened to me but the school really should expell him.

[SJB]Dude7 17 years, 11 months ago

I know. I don't want some crazy kid running around the school with a knife. I'd rather be home-schooled.

[SJB]Dude7 17 years, 11 months ago

You're a pussy, ^_^. I said I would rather be home schooled then be killed. I guess you wouldn't?

firestormx 17 years, 11 months ago

I'm homeschooled because of that. :(

Well, not really.

I'm actually just homeschooled becaues I'm too lazy to wake up for normal school.

To keep people like puLse from making fun of me, I keep a knife nearby at all times, and randomly cut myself with it.

Crane-ium 17 years, 11 months ago

either people at the school are complete retards, or that kid has some sort of connection to the school protecting him of being sentenced to something worse for threating someone with a knife…

[SJB]Dude7 17 years, 11 months ago

^^^I got a knife next to me, but its really small XD

^^Yeah, my dad asked me if his parents worked for the school or something… Even if they did, that would be really stupid to let that kid stay. XD

^Eh…? I never edited out the part,… I can't even edit my own post's, only delete them. :P

melee-master 17 years, 11 months ago

"You'd think the school system would be more protective at this stuff."

Thing is, every school system generally blows.

Asterisk 17 years, 11 months ago

I hate school systems, especially mine. Stupid hair policy.

Oh, and puLse, stop being such a douche.

OBELISK 17 years, 11 months ago

The bad thing is, he didn't get expelled… he got suspended for 3 days (and arrested for a short time). This other kid brought one and just had it in his backpack and got expelled.


Asterisk 17 years, 11 months ago