Kid at my school

Posted by [SJB]Dude7 on Jan. 31, 2007, 3:03 p.m.

This kid at my school brought a knife to school that was like 6 or 7 inches and pulled it on my friend. No one got hurt, but damn, it really is kind of scary when stuff like that happens.

The bad thing is, he didn't get expelled… he got suspended for 3 days (and arrested for a short time). This other kid brought one and just had it in his backpack and got expelled.

Strange… You'd think the school system would be more protective at this stuff. My mom told me it was on the news, so I looked. ~~ Anything like this happen to you?


OBELISK 18 years ago

Anyway, silent types (from what I hear) are more than likely the to do that.

*stays home from school to avoid you*

JK. Yeah, the hair policy sucks. I just avoid the principal whenever mine's too long. (which is all the time)

Rob 18 years ago

hoemschoulugn suxks asdsd so donnt sslike hoemshcooled oakywA>?

Tasm 18 years ago

This is why I always carry my trust Desert Eagle with me at all times, in the inside pocket of my jacket.

Episonage 18 years ago

Lol, that's not all that bad. In past year, four "kids" (over 15) in my school got stabbedeaten to death. It's risky to walk near the main school door, because of maniacs, and chairs (sometimes tables!) falling around from 2nd and 3rd floor of school. In here people celebrate not going to school, so for us a suspension is actually a reward.

Theodore III 18 years ago

^ You get good grades and the teachers suspend you? :P

[SJB]Dude7 18 years ago

Now thats a good idea. XD