[2d] Karoshi 2?

Posted by 2Dcube on March 11, 2008, 4:43 p.m.


Just posting to keep this blog alive. I don't have a lot of interesting news this time, but I will say that I am working on a couple things. I should release at least 2 games in the next 4 weeks.

Also, you may have noticed that I included "[2d]" in the title to indicate it's a post by me. I will do that from now on. Technically it should be "[2D]" but I like the small d better, so yeah.

ToneCave. I think it's been canned. It was sort of interesting and it could have been made into something great, if I really wanted to, but I've moved on to other things now. I will show some stuff in the coming days.

Karoshi. So far it's been received surprisingly well. Still number one on YoYoGames as well as mentions on TIGsource and IndieGames :). So, if I were to (hypothetically speaking) make a Karoshi 2, what would you guys want to be in it?

And a second question, what do you want me to post about actually?


elmernite 16 years, 9 months ago

I tend to like your post about your games and game design.

However, everyone else here seems to enjoy reading about each others lives.


Andes 16 years, 9 months ago

I'd have to say that I like the posts about game design and his games too, they add a little intellegence to 64Digits, and show the GM side of things… I wouldn't say that everyone enjoys reading about each other's lives, it's just that more blogs are made that concern people's lives

Mentalpatient109 16 years, 9 months ago

Karoshi 2 would be awesome. I'm almost finished with the first game, and I must say it's much too short.

Crane-ium 16 years, 9 months ago

Karoshi 2? Sure, I guess. I'm sure no one would mind if they were in what I assume would be a highly publicized game.

Post something about Japan. I saw you took pictures in Japan, and that's my favorite country.

stampede 16 years, 9 months ago

KAROSHI 2! Awesome!

Cesque 16 years, 9 months ago

So, if I were to (hypothetically speaking) make a Karoshi 2, what would you guys want to be in it?

More death, more innovative death, and more different death animations :)

ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

Karoshi was a seriously good game. Some of the gfx could be improved, but it was a challenging puzzle game. I would love to see a second one. Great work on it.

necromian 16 years, 9 months ago

My only peeves with karoshi was the complete lack of effects (other than the dying effect), and the white edges around some of the text and the borders (basically wherever the red and black blood looking type effect was used)

Other than a graphics update, you could add a couple of skill-based ways of dying rather than having to use logic to figure it out. (I dont know, maybe like having to mash the shoot button to get through a series of reappearing blocks)

2Dcube 16 years, 9 months ago

Thanks people for the comments.

This blog is meant to get feedback on my projects/game design ideas. I could perhaps post personal stuff, but I'm not sure about that yet.

Also thanks for the ideas for Karoshi 2, though I have to say it's still in early stages: I may decide to cancel it.