Almost Engaged

Posted by Acid on June 28, 2010, 12:30 a.m.

I put a down payment on a "promise ring" engagement ring. $20 - Ring's total price:$135

This is going to be the ring she'll get married in but once we're older I'll get her a bigger one to show how far we've made it.

I'm taking AP Physics, Lang, Calc, and US Gov't. Wish me luck, lol. There's a lot of Physics and Calc summer work and I have to make a lab for physics. It's nothing too hard but it's a heavy amount of work. Also, I hate myself for not fully remembering stuff from algebra II and I hate my pre-calc teacher because she didn't teach me the stuff I need to know for this year and made lots of mistakes in teaching us. So know I have to relearn, learn, and unlearn over the summer. -_-;

I'm going to try to keep my grades better than decent for once to try to get some kind of funding for college. I'm planning on going to University of Toledo for either my BS or MS in Electrical Engineering. Or Mechanical. I'm still deciding but I'm probably going to go with EE.

I can't focus on my games. Or my art. Or anything. :'(

My girlfriend's grandpa died. He was a good man and will be missed.

I'm finally starting to get back into making a website for myself. Nothing amazing or innovative or groundbreaking or even modern. It uses some images and a table and I barely even started. It literally has nothing on it, but I guess I'll post it anyway.


Acid 14 years, 6 months ago

Thanks. It's pretty cool to know that people I haven't physically met care about my well being. :)

She's going to school to be a teacher and I'm going to get my Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. We have the support of our families to fall back on in hard times, so we aren't headed blindly in love. Thanks again, everyone!

Also, juju, I don't see us as love's last hope. I know people fall in love everywhere. I just haven't seen real love very often between younger couples. We aren't an isolated excception

Juju 14 years, 6 months ago

You know what, I'm gonna drop this. Arguing with you will not achieve anything. I shall leave you with this: Don't fuck it up, Acid, or you will lose a great many years of happiness.

Acid 14 years, 6 months ago


Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

Heading towards the 4th marriage anniversary.

Haven't killed my 2 year old.

Still making progress with games, though slower than I anticipated because life is a tricky douche sometimes. :P

I'm just gonna set the microphone on the ground here.

Feel free to defront this.

RC 9 years, 9 months ago

I swear I read "time machine" somewhere in that comment, Acid. Maybe my subconscious just put it in there because that's what this feels like.

Rez 9 years, 9 months ago

what the h

five years have passed. that's enough time for david bowie to predict the end of the world.

MMOnologueguy 9 years, 9 months ago

How is everyone here aging to quickly? This shit fucking freaks me out.

Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

in 2-3 years I will have spent half of my life as a member of this website :O

Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

Same for me, Moikle! I joined when I was 12, so I have 2 more years until I've been a member of 64D for half my life. BUT this year is my 10th year on the site.

eagly 9 years, 9 months ago

Jesus Christ, people were cynical bastards 5 years ago.

Congratulations, Acid. I'm glad you went ahead and got married when you wanted to!