Almost Engaged

Posted by Acid on June 28, 2010, 12:30 a.m.

I put a down payment on a "promise ring" engagement ring. $20 - Ring's total price:$135

This is going to be the ring she'll get married in but once we're older I'll get her a bigger one to show how far we've made it.

I'm taking AP Physics, Lang, Calc, and US Gov't. Wish me luck, lol. There's a lot of Physics and Calc summer work and I have to make a lab for physics. It's nothing too hard but it's a heavy amount of work. Also, I hate myself for not fully remembering stuff from algebra II and I hate my pre-calc teacher because she didn't teach me the stuff I need to know for this year and made lots of mistakes in teaching us. So know I have to relearn, learn, and unlearn over the summer. -_-;

I'm going to try to keep my grades better than decent for once to try to get some kind of funding for college. I'm planning on going to University of Toledo for either my BS or MS in Electrical Engineering. Or Mechanical. I'm still deciding but I'm probably going to go with EE.

I can't focus on my games. Or my art. Or anything. :'(

My girlfriend's grandpa died. He was a good man and will be missed.

I'm finally starting to get back into making a website for myself. Nothing amazing or innovative or groundbreaking or even modern. It uses some images and a table and I barely even started. It literally has nothing on it, but I guess I'll post it anyway.


Rez 9 years, 9 months ago

I only posted a ytmnd. Although I'm sure I was thinking cynical thoughts at the time.

eagly 9 years, 9 months ago

Not invalid, but put across very poorly. Some of the comments seemed pretty hostile to me. If those "cynical bastards" really cared, I feel like they would have supported Acid's decision first and foremost, and voiced any concerns as an afterthought.

In my opinion, I don't think it's fair for any of us to say whether or not someone's decision to get married is "ill-informed". We're all quick to judge other peoples' relationships based on our own pre-conceptions, but we have no idea what things are like behind closed doors and what personal values and goals people have- especially in an internet community.

Toast 9 years, 9 months ago

The only thing worse than me is 16 year old me

Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

Thanks eagly. All I'm saying is that if people didn't know me well enough to know my perspective on marriage, life, and family, maybe they shouldn't pass judgment. :)

I find it both sad and hilarious that the most cynical people have been consistently sad and/or angry the past 5 years. I appreciate concern, but advice on how to be happy from unhappy people (just like advice on success from unsuccessful people) I take with three spoonfuls of salt.

My tips to stay married for at least 4 years:

Don't be a shitty selfish person


Tell the truth all of the time

Say "I love you," ESPECIALLY if you're angry.

Never argue - talk like adults if there's an issue. Yelling and name calling is a nail in the coffin of a failed relationship.

Make time for each other and be open minded - do stuff she likes but you don't and vice versa.

Castypher 9 years, 9 months ago

I find it a bit disappointing that you bumped an old blog only to sport this somewhat spiteful "I told you so" attitude. We're all happy for you but after five years I'd think you'd have already forgiven and forgotten. There's no need to rub it in anyone's face just because you happened to break the mold.

Ferret 9 years, 9 months ago

I'm sorry Acid, you definitely proved I had nothing to worry about. I was only cynical because my parents like so many other people married early, got divorced, and left kids behind in the wake. I may have seemed mean, but I had the best intentions. Anyways, really happy to see you prove us wrong :)

Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

I bumped this blog as a joke. My feelings aren't and weren't hurt and I hope I didn't hurt anyone else's.

@Kilin: I forgive, but never forget. I'm not mad just thought it was something funny to say. I just happened to find this blog looking for old games I made.

@Steven: I always appreciate your view points because they're usually very different than mine and help me solidify or reframe my perspective or opinion. My truth is that marriages in general are disastrous, especially in the US (50% divorce rate)

Age doesn't mean shit.

@everyone: Thanks for your praise or disappointment. You guys are the real MVPs

eagly 9 years, 9 months ago


You've used an incredibly extreme analogy. I agree that I'd want my friends to talk to me if I was doing something clearly idiotic, but I don't think getting married comes anywhere close to that. Everyone's circumstances are different, and everyone has different reasons for getting married. Some people do marry for misguided reasons or marry too quickly; others marry simply because they want to make a commitment to someone they love. When you say that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, there's always a risk that it might not actually work.

I know that you and others are right- a lot of young marriages end in divorce, but I would never want to be the cause of someone not marrying someone they love simply because of some statistics. How are we to know that on this occasion they will follow the trend? How are we to know that they won't? It's not for us to judge how someone's relationship with their partner might unfold and to try and stop them from doing it. The journey is theirs to discover, and if it's a mistake, it's theirs to make.

As I said above, it doesn't matter if you're 17 or 70. When you get married there is always a risk that it will end in divorce. If we didn't do things simply because there was a risk, we'd all stay indoors wondering whether it's OK to go outside yet.

Quote: StevenOBrien
but there's the risk that someone else will take this as a counter-example to those odds and end up fucking over their life as a result
Or they may end up making the best decision of their life, and continue being incredibly happy with their best friend. It can swing either way.

Quote: Kilin
I find it a bit disappointing that you bumped an old blog only to sport this somewhat spiteful "I told you so" attitude.
To be honest, I think it's great to see how far people have come on in life, and I think we should celebrate our members' achievements.

Castypher 9 years, 9 months ago

To be honest, I think it's great to see how far people have come on in life, and I think we should celebrate our members' achievements.
I agree–we celebrated quite a bit when Finn was born, and some of us still do–but there are better ways to celebrate than insulting other members to nullify their credibility. Nobody here is or was ever attacking Acid, just stating the common facts. I don't understand why a few people trying to raise awareness is such a crime in this blog.

Congratulations for doing it regardless and congratulations on your happiness. I mean that with sincerity. But don't try to raise yourself over other people just because they made an observation based on common statistics. These weren't personal attacks and you need to stop acting like they were. "Be careful" is not antagonistic in any way.

Rez 9 years, 9 months ago

Acid, I probably didn't make a big enough deal about it at the time, but your level-headedness really makes you great dad/hubby material. Keep being you, man.