Almost Engaged

Posted by Acid on June 28, 2010, 12:30 a.m.

I put a down payment on a "promise ring" engagement ring. $20 - Ring's total price:$135

This is going to be the ring she'll get married in but once we're older I'll get her a bigger one to show how far we've made it.

I'm taking AP Physics, Lang, Calc, and US Gov't. Wish me luck, lol. There's a lot of Physics and Calc summer work and I have to make a lab for physics. It's nothing too hard but it's a heavy amount of work. Also, I hate myself for not fully remembering stuff from algebra II and I hate my pre-calc teacher because she didn't teach me the stuff I need to know for this year and made lots of mistakes in teaching us. So know I have to relearn, learn, and unlearn over the summer. -_-;

I'm going to try to keep my grades better than decent for once to try to get some kind of funding for college. I'm planning on going to University of Toledo for either my BS or MS in Electrical Engineering. Or Mechanical. I'm still deciding but I'm probably going to go with EE.

I can't focus on my games. Or my art. Or anything. :'(

My girlfriend's grandpa died. He was a good man and will be missed.

I'm finally starting to get back into making a website for myself. Nothing amazing or innovative or groundbreaking or even modern. It uses some images and a table and I barely even started. It literally has nothing on it, but I guess I'll post it anyway.


Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

Thanks, Rez.

Kilin… Bro… You're getting way too worked up man.

I bumped this blog as a joke. My feelings aren't and weren't hurt and I hope I didn't hurt anyone else's.

RC 9 years, 9 months ago

I honestly didn't take Acid's response as a smug jab at people who made the past comments, but then again I didn't read the past comments to know that it might've been. Still, I think this is getting a bit blown out of proportion and certainly doesn't warrant any arguments.

Can't we all just get along, or has all that dogma debating gotten you guys into an argumentative state?

Castypher 9 years, 9 months ago

I'm just upset that cactus week is over.

Quietus 9 years, 9 months ago

Wow, I remember life being so different back in 2010. Congratulations on 4 years, Acid! I always knew you had it in you. No asterisks! :-)

Josea 9 years, 9 months ago

I hadn't realized so much time had already passed since this blog. Congrats man, you definitely are beating the odds.

Polystyrene Man 9 years, 9 months ago

congrats acid

Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

I knew what love was when I was 16, and I wasn't wrong. You guys can check this blog in 50 years if you want. Till death do us part. It's about your mentality going into the relationship and your willingness to grow and learn with one another.

It's all fine and good to say that STATISTICALLY THIS IS A MISTAKE but who are you to try to tell someone what direction to go in their lives? What authority do you have? Unless you're a parent or someone who actually has some sort of serious, deep relationship with the person, you should really keep your opinions and "advice" to yourself. I'm not being rude or spiteful, I'm saying that is IS rude. Nobody has the right to tell someone whether or not to get married. Not every relationship ends or needs marriage and it really wasn't any of your guys' place to try to inform me of statistics I already knew in an attempt to dissuade me from a choice you had no informed basis to tell me was wrong.

That's like me saying "Steven, don't pursue music, statistically 90% of people who attempt to make music a career fail!" If I were to say that, I should shut my mouth because I don't REALLY know you or your situation. Yes, it's a "smart" idea to play it safe and never make mistakes but your life is dull and boring if you never take risks. Stay in the house, eat food your grow yourself, never do anything fun.

What I said wasn't a smug jab, it was a playful jab trying to be silly. We can make jokes about dead babies, ISIS, and race on this site, but if I make a joke about wrong assumptions about my life choices, everybody loses their minds lol

I thought it would either be looked at and ignored or defronted and now there's a huge discussion on whether I'm being a smug douche. :P

Rez 9 years, 9 months ago

Honestly, man, I don't know what to say without further dragging this conversation into a nonconstructive place.

Maybe this is inflammatory to some people, but I want to let it be known that I think this site needs to relax. I understand the argumentative tone when it is a topic like what's being discussed in the dogma thread, but seeing these kinds of debates everywhere else is giving me an ulcer.

colseed 9 years, 9 months ago

I'm just upset that cactus week is over.
hey now, there's no need to be prickly about it

Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

What the hell? I never said that. This argument isn't about you.
Likewise, everything I say isn't about you. :)

I will agree that if someone's word affects your decision to do or refrain from doing something, you should probably think more deeply about your choice. When you make a serious life decision, you should always analyze it from every angle and think about worst-possible scenarios. But I will never agree that the best thing to do in life is discourage people from making mistakes. Mistakes shape you and define you. Without failure or hardship, your growth slows and may even become stagnant.

And, again, I don't think people on the internet have the capacity to tell people what life decisions are wrong choices.

Every single terrible thing that's ever happened to me I appreciate. It sucks in the moment, but it's true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but only if you let it.