Today's Activities

Posted by Acid on April 15, 2012, 3:54 p.m.

Decided that I hadn't made a real blog in a few days, so I'll go ahead and pretend I'm about to do that, when in reality I'm just going to make a relatively short list.

Here's what I plan on doing throughout the course of the rest of my day:

- Make sloppy joes

- Eat said sloppy joes

- Do some drawing

- Have CAMD yell at me for art

- Work on said art

- Upload images to imgur

- Have CAMD tell me that he forgot that he needed one more image

- Upload that one too

- Work on more stuff for the game after CAMD stops asking because I'm trying to get this crap done

- Work on RPG design - I realized that I'm going to have to actually make my own engine instead of using the built in coordinates/speed/direction system because the game isn't going to function through "rooms" - I want the entire galaxy to be accessible (there will be quick travel through warp gates through)

- Have abbey yell at me to spend time with her <3

- Eat some ice cream and watch tv dramas

- Watch South Park

- Stay up and work on my projects more


Rob 12 years, 8 months ago

You sure do get yelled at a lot…

Acid 12 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, nobody likes me. :P

spirulence 12 years, 8 months ago

Out of curiousity, what TV dramas do you spend your time watching? I watch almost no TV anymore unless it's available on Netflix. Even then, it's pretty rare. There is actually no TV hooked up in the house right now.

TehHoosier 12 years, 8 months ago

The only person who yells at me is my wife.

Acid 12 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I only use Netflix too. Mostly on my PS3 that's hooked up to the TV in the living room.

We watch Desperate Housewives, a show that I liked at first but HATE now because every single person on the show is a selfish piece of crap that only thinks of themselves and will ruin other peoples lives just to reach some kind of stupid short-term goal, and she watches Grey's Anatomy when I'm working. I kind of follow what happens, but I don't care much about that show.

When I watch TV by myself, I watch stuff like My Name is Earl, South Park and Workaholics. I also like some of the weird documentaries on there like "Shut Up, Little Man!"

poultry 12 years, 8 months ago

XD! Nigga get me some graphics!

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

No USA's Psych?


Mush 12 years, 8 months ago

I love to-do lists. Here's mine for today:

- Sleep (my sleep schedule is fucked).

- Lacrosse practice.

- Do some concept art (I may live stream this)

- Laundry (I've been sleeping without sheets or pillow cases for too long)

- Sex.

- Eat.

- Sleep.

- Repeat.

poultry 12 years, 8 months ago

You sleep twice in a row? D=

Acid 12 years, 8 months ago

It's probably one of these:

- Set alarm for 7;

- Turn off alarm at 7;

- Wake up at 9;