My english professor is babbling on about design principals right behind me. He's not a bad guy, but he's boring. At least I can go to websites while he's talking. :\
This is just going to be a short blog containing my current thoughts - disregard this if you'd like.I have like 15 Dota 2 keys if anybody still wants oneI wish that I had more time to put into my game jam game before the deadline but I had to keep leaving to help Finn and Abbey because Abbey is still in pain from THE EVENT and she can't really get up and I'm not going to be a douche and say "God, Abbey I'm making video games go take care of Finn and leave me alone." And I had homework. But I am already working on fleshing it out more - I had a bunch of ideas of what could go on, scoring systems, and backgrounds.I need to play Lykan.I'll probably talk more later.
Whoa, top flight quality.