Posted by Acid on April 6, 2014, 6:03 p.m.

It seems like a couple people are having a hard time taking the theme in a non-literal or abstract direction, so I thought it might be a good idea to dump ideas you aren't going to use, but are still interesting.

EX1: 3 of the Power Rangers died in a freak accident (fire, school shooting, plane crash, etc) and now a monster is attacking Angel Grove! Play as two of the Mega Zord body parts and fight evil!

EX2: A game where you collect letters and the only colors that appear are the ones you can spell.

EX3: Everything starts off tinted in a certain hue. As you collect specific items, more colors and interaction options are unlocked.

Share your ideas and help each other out. To help with keeping on topic, please don't comment if you aren't contributing an idea.


Pirate-rob 10 years, 10 months ago

Well, you could have a game where the values of a colour(rgb,hsv) determine certain properties of things/creatures/people. So you could have it that blue beats red, which beats green, which beats blue. Which leads to senarios where you can do more damage to a red creature with a blue sword, but if you hit it with a red sword it wouldn't do as much, green would do even less. Obviously, this system wouldn't just apply to the primary colours or rgb values.

Astryl 10 years, 10 months ago

Also, if you really can't think of something that will 'fit' the theme, think completely outside the bounds of the theme. That is, if you have a great idea, but you can't work the theme into your idea, just go with it.

On the topic of the theme though, an idea could be to use 'color vision'. Certain objects are only made visible under certain colored lights, that sort of thing.

Pirate-rob 10 years, 10 months ago

3 more ideas:

1. You could have that there are x objects you need to finish the game, each can easyily distinguished by it's colour. For example, you might need a purple seashell, red apple, grey bucket, ect.

2. You can only save a limited number of people, each also themed with one specific hue.

3. Similar to Mega's idea, you could choose a limited amount of colours your character can see at the very beginning of the game. Obviously, if all the platforms are black in your game, and one colour the player doesn't choose is black, then they'll have a tough time, however not using certain colours could also increase a score multiplier or something.

I had a fourth idea but forgot it, I'll post later if I remember.

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

You could(This is my previous idea before I abandoned it lol) have the scenery start with a specific colour to set the mood, then by adding colours you can affect the NPCs. For example, it could start with a dark blue for night time, but then by painting it a bit lighter and adding a sun you can wake them all up :).

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 10 months ago

This is something crazy I thought of. What if each color represented a material that everything was made of. Each object could have hundreds of tiny pieces reacting together.

Another one:

The protagonist is made of hundreds of colors representing different types/stats (too much red would be a fire type, blue would be water, etc.). You'd be required to alter the hero's shape to fit around obstacles, but you'd have to use a minimum amount of pixels. I guess it would be like a shapeshifter. Another version of this, was a monster collecting RPG where the monsters are built in 3D blocks that are similar in function (that way, stats could be calculated without having it always present).

eagly 10 years, 10 months ago

A game in a similar vein to Game Dev Story:

Pretentious Artist Story!

You are a poor, aspiring artist who can only afford plain A4 paper and some biros to begin with. Create art using combinations and based on how well they work together and how famous you are, sell it to the public. Make money to buy more paints and materials and unlock new combinations.

Combinations could include lifestyle drawing in Biro; seaside scene in pastel colours; or nude photography.

The possibilities are limitless!

twisterghost 10 years, 10 months ago

Alternatively, take the other route and be hyper literal.

You play as a painter who lost all but the primary colors and now nobody wants your paintings cuz they look like shit, get your life together goddam.

Castypher 10 years, 10 months ago

Someone go make an indie Ikaruga clone with more than two colors. If you're good at making shmups, you'll get my top vote.

I think I've just found my backup plan in the event that Vespere doesn't work out.

Taizen Chisou 10 years, 10 months ago

That sounds like that'd be kinda clusterfuck-y, Kilin

Maybe they can make a shmup that operates like this.

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

A game where you're supposed to taste the colors, but the outcome is always random because you can't submit any input by licking your screen.

"What does this shade of green taste like?"


"WRONG! The correct answer was frog skin."

"What does this shade of red taste like?"

"Log embers?"