#64DSC Submission List

Posted by Acid on May 1, 2014, 1 a.m.


The event is over, and here are the awesome games everyone has put together over the course of the month! Thanks everybody for participating! Play some games and get ready to vote in a week! :D

Please try to play every game and don't forget to rate and comment! :D


Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

You can make videos of whatever you want! I just don't want people tampering with the submissions.

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

OK, when you say "the submission" do you mean the game? Or the game plus the description + the game images?

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

You can change the description and images. :P

You just can't modify the game itself.

Yuminig 10 years, 10 months ago

Wait? your allowed to fixed major bugs? damn for all my time wasted on testing the game and making sure that there is no bugs. I should have keep stuffing my game with assets and contents. then submit it. then when people notice some major bugs, I would say "oops my bad. gonna fix it now after all it's alright. no?"

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

What would have been cool is a playtest period where no voting is allowed but people can tell the developers about the bugs, and then they can fix them for the final voting period. It is annoying that this wasn't announced beforehand though, I spent 3 days on fixing up my cars AI when I could have waited until afterwards :(. Still, its nice at least for the people who have worked on the game for several months and just have one undiscovered bug, although thats when the playtest period would be best.

Edit: Just noticed voting happens in a few days. Is this sort of like an unannounced Playtest time? If so then cool, just would have been great to know.

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

You're allowed to fix major bugs within reason. If your game is unplayable because a variable is off and you spent all month working on it, that's fine.

If you submitted a game that doesn't work at all, or all of the features are broken, it probably wouldn't even be accepted let alone allowed to make changes.

Adding features or changing gameplay will disqualify your entry. So, no, you could not do that Yuminig.

This is not an unannounced playtest time - this is when you should be playing the games that other people submitted. And, if you check the competition page, you can see that this was PLANNED PLAYTIME to give people enough time to play all of the games before they voted.

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

Adding features or changing gameplay will disqualify your entry. So, no, you could not do that Yuminig.
Isn't that what they've been doing though? Fixing bugs changes gameplay and potentially makes an unplayable game into an instant star. I just don't see why fixing bugs and altering gameplay is ok for people who focused on creating the levels and stuff, yet other people who worked on a functioning game with a small level aren't allowed to add content.

Anyway, I'm going to step back now and continue working, I don't really mind seeing as I didn't enter, however knowing this before hand probably would have helped me to, so, yeah….

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

A simple bug like changing a variable or adding a semicolon and a 3 day extra work-time are two different things. That's why it has to be approved.

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

This is me stepping back…. lol :D

Sorry, when I referred to me I meant that I could have gotten the game in a rather complete state just with certain restrictions on the traffic which i then could have fixed 1-2 days in(Which is the same sort of timeframe as some other changes), when instead I had limited content which was not strung together, but final game mechanics. In the end I actually chose not to enter due to the limited content(Only about 3 mins of level time finished, figured that wasn't enough although that seems to be the average from what I've played, should have submitted lol), so I just found it annoying that I could have got my game together and submitted something with good gameplay length and fixed the rest a day later.

The only thing I would have changed were certain traffic patterns, which although taking a while previously, was still not the most important thing seeing as they all were destroyed pretty quickly anyway. But because I opted for strong game mechanics instead of my last game(Full of content but crap mechanics), I ended up not entering. I won't make the same mistake next time :)

Anyway, I'm going to attempt to stop replying as once again it doesn't affect me anymore(I'm actually going to try so please don't reply in reference to me. The only reason I replied here was due to the reference to my work time lol :D) :).

Yuminig 10 years, 10 months ago

Whoa hold on. I never said anything about me adding new features or contents after submission. I'm just trying to say "what if I only focus on adding contents and assets instead of wasting time "stomping even the simplest non breaking game bugs" during april period. then submit it then when some players/users found some simple bug I could fix it easily in a couple of minutes just like the others. HUEHUEHUE. but that would feel like cheating so I kinda understand Acid.