#64DSC Submission List

Posted by Acid on May 1, 2014, 1 a.m.


The event is over, and here are the awesome games everyone has put together over the course of the month! Thanks everybody for participating! Play some games and get ready to vote in a week! :D

Please try to play every game and don't forget to rate and comment! :D


spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

Man I need to resist commenting lol

Thats what I'm talking about too lol :D. I was just saying that I could have done what your saying, worked on the content and fixed the bugs later on. The bug I was talking about there was simply changing car travel patterns, a few lines in a huge array that takes a few hours to fix but none the less is a small one. In my opinion I don't see why both can't be allowed though, as it gives an unfair disadvantage depending on how you create your game, content first or game stability first. That, or we should have been told beforehand so we could structure workload accordingly.

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 10 months ago

Spike1: When acid says "bug" he is generally referring to game breaking bugs, as in invalid code, not improved features.

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

That's not what I've seen so far at least. I don't honestly see the difference between game breaking bug and improved feature. Game breaking bug still involves code that runs, so it can't be invalid code. Other than that its tweaking different variables and changing AI and stuff, which is definitely improving a feature. But I'm not arguing against it, I just wish we/I had been told before hand.

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 10 months ago

Uuuh. I was pretty sure that the bugs were causing game crashes.

Maybe not, but I thought that was the case.

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

What you keep describing are situations that would never be approved. We check the content that you submit - if there was a "rest" to fix, it would not be approved. Nobody has gotten days of extra work over on you. There's a huge difference between "I didn't add the 'go-to-game' code to my menu button" and "I just threw together some features and they are broken, can I fix them?". Having levels vs having gameplay has nothing to do with anything - if you're significantly changing your game, it won't be approved.

All of the updates I've approved were very simple errors that affected the game in a HUGE way, totally breaking or ruining the game.

If anybody has any qualms with what I'm doing, they are free to express that and you are free to not respond on my blog, if that is your wish! But I know what I'm doing, and I'm not going to screw over a person or a team's entire month's work over 2 lines of code.

Also, for future reference, always submit a work-in-progress! Some of the games you're playing aren't finished, but they were tailored off for the competition (hence the short/empty gameplay).

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, the game I've been using as my basis wasn't broken as in the game would crash, just that certain levels would become unplayable. Anyway, this time I'm going to go now as this is a rather pointless discussion, hopefully I don't look like I'm simple running away from the discussion, its just I'm getting too distracted by this :D.



So simple changing about 10 lines of arrays wouldn't be approved? That's my situation at least. And yeah, I probably should have submitted, just thought the baseline would be higher and didn't want to submit something as bad as my previous games(My entire aim for this comp was to make something quality).

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

You're talking about semantics now - if those arrays are the level formats, or any other important code, you know that you're cheating and working around stuff. I don't mean "your change should only be a couple lines".

But this IS a pointless conversation, and I believe everyone should have gotten my point by now. And nobody is going to fault you for going anywhere! lol

"Gosh, spike is such a douche because he didn't want to join the discussion anymore!"

Yuminig 10 years, 10 months ago

All I know is I'll do my job on testing my game and making sure it doesn't crash or have bugs before submitting it. Not like a certain AAA company who publish a game with bugs and let his fans do the dirty work on finding it and reporting it. Then the AAA company adding more bothersome patch and dlc.