GMC Bad Rep

Posted by Adventus on May 10, 2006, 3:45 a.m.

Well i guess they were right, people often say the GMC has a bad reputation, i personally had no opinion at the time, having never pertaken in any other forums (yes i know im a forum-noob, i guess you could also call me a life-noob at the age of 17) and having never really got into any flamewars or such, which were reputedly running rampart within the GMC. It wasnt till i posted my shadow engine here that i noticed the differences in forum-goers attitudes, at the GMC i probally have less replies than i do here even though my engines been released there (well was there, now with the GMC down and all) for about a month. I guess what im really saying is 64digits is very good and your likely to be stuck with me for awhile yet…..muhahaha.

Anyway Down to Business, I've got a new more recent pic of my game (look down the bottom for the link) and i would also like your opinion on a few things regarding my game:

1- Are more guns (eg UT2004) better than balanced guns (Halo) ?

2- Is a minimalistic HUD better than an informative one ?

3- Is online play much better than versing really good AI opponents?

And now you've waded through my boring questions heres the pic

-<A HREF='' ALT=''>CONDEMED pic</A>


Xemrel 18 years, 9 months ago

The best answer to all of these questions is that having options is always better than not having them. Or put in more specific words…

1) More is better, but allow the user to choose which weapons can appear throughout the game so they can limit them to balanced ones if they feel like it.

2) Do both and ad a hotkey to toggle between them. Minimal is nice for immersion, but sometimes you need that extra info.

3) Personally, I usually prefer a good AI over human opponents, since humans have a tendency to be unsporting. But most people seem to disagree.


RhysAndrews 18 years, 9 months ago

Although GMC had a bad reputation, It was the main-street for the town of GameMaker, right? I mean, 64Digits, GameMakerGames, all these sites, were known from links off signatures and topics on the GMC.


Adventus 18 years, 9 months ago

Yea im not saying i wont visit GMC anymore, actually ill probally be there every 2nd day once its back up, im just impressed by the 'lack of noobs' and the good constructive criticisms (thank you TaleriaKNT) 64digits has. Yea and im definitely going for the maximum number of options available for my game, im a big fan of perfect Dark. Yea and i agree with the AI vs Human idea, theres always going to be a small exploit within a game and once people realise it they'll generally use it over and over again just to get higher kills even if it isnt fun for anyone.

Maxcore 18 years, 9 months ago

GMC got owned. If you don't like the internet, get off of it.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 9 months ago

OFF TOPIC Note to mods: Since you won't tell us exactly how it works, I would just like to point out that Pheonix has an accepted game and still is at level 0. I think it's time to tell us a bit more about user levels.

Joewoof 18 years, 9 months ago

I pretty much agree about this GMC business. Somehow, people seem to be much more constructive here. Of course, I haven't been here long myself, but first impressions are good. :)

Anyway, as for your questions:

1) More guns contribute to variety, but if they're not balanced, it negatively affects depth and polish. A compromise between the two is a generally good idea.

2) I prefer minimalistic. Ever heard of info-overload? For action games, people should concentrate on the action, not the displays. Attention swapping causes a break in the flow of action and negatively affects gameplay. Thus, with an informative display people are either (1) going to ignore it or (2) be confused/distracted by it long enough to get killed. I advise against it.

3) Not necessarily. Sometimes, online play is too problematic to be worth playing. It can be a serious hassle - having to synchronize with other players, lagging problems, etc etc etc. Personally, I prefer good AI opponents, given that they have different behaviors for each type of enemy. Online play is superior to single play due to strategy and unpredictability. If you can do the same (or close, at least) for AI opponents, there is really no reason why single play is any less exciting than online play.

Kaz 18 years, 9 months ago

1.Make cool guns, not the same old guns. No one wants to shoot a desert eagle in a game ever again.

2.Depends on how it looks and what it shows.

3.Depends on what youre going for in the game.

Whos(if any) lighting engine did you use?

Adventus 18 years, 9 months ago

"Whos(if any) lighting engine did you use?"

I used my own, you can get it in the WIP forum.

Joewoof, I think you pretty much summed up my own attitude towards these questions very nicely.