Talk about being moody ....geez

Posted by Adventus on May 27, 2006, 7:16 p.m.

In stark contrast to my mood yesterday, im actually feeling alright today. Every thing seems to be satisfactory, i got my bullet collisions to work (more effective than before even), improved my movement code and made a new (actually my first ever) explosion particle effect (Pics down below) without anything going wrong for once. Oh and almost forgot from the pic <b>melee-master</b> showed us before it seems my FOW engine and RTS movement example will be out today or tomorrow (if they get accepted that is…XD).

Here's how my bullet collisions work in <i><b>Condemed</b></i>:

<b>1)</b> Character standing when fired <b>—></b> Bullet Hits wall <b>—></b> Bullet stops at collision point.

<b>2)</b> Character standing when fired <b>—></b> Bullet Hits box (ie crouchable behind) <b>—></b> Bullet continues on but can no longer hit crouching characters.

<b>3)</b> Character crouching when fired <b>—></b> Bullet Hits wall/box <b>—></b> Bullet stops at collision point.

So basically this means that if a character is crouching but not behind anything and your standing you will still hit him. What do you reckon? Good idea or not?

Oh and another question, should grenades affect players who are <b>crouching</b> behind boxs? Im not sure, it might make grenades a bit useless if you can just duck behind a box. I've already made it so it doesn't hurt you if your behind a wall.

<b>Here's a run through of a grenade explosion:</b> (click for larger non-imageshack images)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a>


Adventus 18 years, 8 months ago

Quote: theman
If you duck behind a low wall and a grenade goes off on the other side of the wall then it shouldn't hit you. However, lobbing a grenade over a low wall would supremely rule.
Hmmm yea that would be more realistic, but it would make grenades a bit useless (im still unsure…).Yea and currently i have it set up so you can throw Grenades over low walls (aka boxs), but not over high walls.

I would like to hear more about Yourself's collision checking engine? I checked his topics on the GMC to no avail. Although, Im very happy with my collision checking at the moment, at least 1 collision_line at most 3, and it hasnt failed yet (as far as i can tell anyway).

Quote: theman
I think crouching should only work behind low walls to avoid bullets, otherwise everyone would walk around crouching…
I've also made it so you walk at half speed when crouching, so you dont see every one scooting around on their arse…XD.

Juju 18 years, 8 months ago

Nah the grenades would still be useful… Lobbing a frag behind a wall to flush out the enemy is exceptionally useful - That's what the entirely of Call of Duty Multiplayer was based upon! Jumping over low walls would be cool as well, try to use that (could be tricky to program though).

I can't remember how Yourself did the collision line accurately. I made my own after looking at his and thinking how ineffecient his was… Damn accurate though.

And another thought would be to use smoke grenades to block out the view of a player/AI. That would be really tactical!

Adventus 18 years, 8 months ago

Quote: theman
Nah the grenades would still be useful… Lobbing a frag behind a wall to flush out the enemy is exceptionally useful - That's what the entirely of Call of Duty Multiplayer was based upon! Jumping over low walls would be cool as well, try to use that (could be tricky to program though).
I know ill make it an option, get the best of both worlds.

I sounds like Yourself's method is like my own which is mainly based off EricDB's collision_line_ext except less accurate to make it faster.

I like the smoke grenade idea, ill have a play with the concept.

Juju 18 years, 8 months ago

I think Yourself's was. Like everything which you can't decide on - make it an option. Not sure was resolution to use? Make it an option. Fullscreen? Make that an option as well!

Visor 18 years, 8 months ago

That game looks awsome! you are sweet at making games!