Talk about being moody ....geez

Posted by Adventus on May 27, 2006, 7:16 p.m.

In stark contrast to my mood yesterday, im actually feeling alright today. Every thing seems to be satisfactory, i got my bullet collisions to work (more effective than before even), improved my movement code and made a new (actually my first ever) explosion particle effect (Pics down below) without anything going wrong for once. Oh and almost forgot from the pic <b>melee-master</b> showed us before it seems my FOW engine and RTS movement example will be out today or tomorrow (if they get accepted that is…XD).

Here's how my bullet collisions work in <i><b>Condemed</b></i>:

<b>1)</b> Character standing when fired <b>—></b> Bullet Hits wall <b>—></b> Bullet stops at collision point.

<b>2)</b> Character standing when fired <b>—></b> Bullet Hits box (ie crouchable behind) <b>—></b> Bullet continues on but can no longer hit crouching characters.

<b>3)</b> Character crouching when fired <b>—></b> Bullet Hits wall/box <b>—></b> Bullet stops at collision point.

So basically this means that if a character is crouching but not behind anything and your standing you will still hit him. What do you reckon? Good idea or not?

Oh and another question, should grenades affect players who are <b>crouching</b> behind boxs? Im not sure, it might make grenades a bit useless if you can just duck behind a box. I've already made it so it doesn't hurt you if your behind a wall.

<b>Here's a run through of a grenade explosion:</b> (click for larger non-imageshack images)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a>


melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago


Oh and almost forgot from the pic melee-master showed us before it seems my FOW engine and RTS movement example will be out today or tomorrow (if they get accepted that is…XD).

Yup, they'll both be out tommorow.

Adventus 18 years, 9 months ago

Quote: melee-master
Yup, they'll both be out tommorow.
Cool, i've mainly been impatient because i've already got an update for the RTS movement example.

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

So…you won't have multiple levels of height in your TDS, then? 'Cause I do…however, my bullet collisions are of the regular variety (tweaked only to allow for a Z axis), and therefore, they can go through walls and such [>>]

Joewoof 18 years, 9 months ago

Oh and another question, should grenades affect players who are crouching behind boxs? Im not sure, it might make grenades a bit useless if you can just duck behind a box. I've already made it so it doesn't hurt you if your behind a wall.
I agree. Make it so that you still get hit with a grenade in that situation. Adds a little more strategy to it.

Adventus 18 years, 9 months ago

Yea i do have multiple levels but only 2 at the moment and no plans for more. I could include a full z-axis system and height map the whole level, but i dont think its worth it considering you cant aim 3d from a topdown 2d enviroment. I also want bullets that go faster than say 30 or 60.

I think my system as stated above adds a certain level of tatical thought, while not becoming overly complex.

Adventus 18 years, 9 months ago

Quote: Joewoof
I agree. Make it so that you still get hit with a grenade in that situation. Adds a little more strategy to it.
My thoughts exactly….

Hootiehoo 18 years, 9 months ago

Sounds like awesome bullet collisions, and the exploion looks very pretty. ^_^

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

sp: Condemned

Nice work nice work! We want more! More I tell you!

Adventus 18 years, 9 months ago

Quote: DesertFox
sp: Condemned
Haha geez i've been calling it condemed all this time. Glad you guy like my ideas.

Juju 18 years, 8 months ago

If you duck behind a low wall and a grenade goes off on the other side of the wall then it shouldn't hit you. However, lobbing a grenade over a low wall would supremely rule.

As for bullets, do a normal collision line for walls then do a super-accurate check (Yourself's engine, but it sounds like you've got it all sorted) for the any enemies from the player to the edge of the screen.

I think crouching should only work behind low walls to avoid bullets, otherwise everyone would walk around crouching…