Collab Game: Dubstep: concept

Posted by Alert Games on Jan. 29, 2012, 2:42 p.m.

So ive been posting comments on this for a while, but i figured id get some input before I start the development of it.

The Idea

A dubstep scrolling shooter! Similar to the dancedancerevolution type game, only with a ship and enemies! The enemies and graphics move with the music based on a timeline format. Dying lowers your score, and you can get highscores on each song. Like other games of this type, you have to earn a certain score to unlock new songs.

Just like many dubstep songs or light effects on stage performances, the graphics would represent an overhyped theme, with many flashy effects on text, enemies, backgrounds and everything.

While I'd like to call it DubShooter, it wouldnt have to be limited to all dubstep. I like dance-house, and drum-n-bass as well. The music would come from places like newgrounds, UKF, and our own artists! (with permission from the artists).

The Plan

I'd design some menu effects to start off things, and probably the saving mechanism to create timeline formats for new songs with their effects and enemy sequences. This way if you make new song packs and whatnot, you can distribute them, and maybe official packs will have prices and stuff.

Graphics for the menu and effects in the game would be needed. Definitely high quality, flashy, and busy :P These effects would be able to be called from the timeline format. The enemies would also need design and effects for them as well. Should be a good number so that the game wouldn't need to be updated for a while.

Programming would be needed mainly for the gameplay. The ship, powerups, multipliers, enmies, and maybe some effects that need programming. The menu would need programming as well, but the graphics would be the main concern.


I know theres been a game done for mainly dubstep on XBLA, but it looked pretty crappy… so this would be a lot better, and more fun to play. Basically the overhyping would make it awesome lol.

I may plan on adding achievements and possibly a 2 player mode that could be played online with each other. It would work well with the API since it can return your friends to the game and make it easy to set up matches. This would be much later though.

Any thoughts on this? You guys like to be very skeptical, but it helps me to figure out whats best. Would you wanna participate in this collab?

EDIT: This will also probably be done in game maker so that it can be made faster and be a common platform. Unless everyone wants to use something else and has the resources to do it.


LoserHands 13 years ago

I have to agree, rhythm shooters are … unoriginal? Boring.

pounce4evur 13 years ago

The sass in your icon totally made me laugh, it fits so fucking well

LoserHands 13 years ago

It's honestly like the first concept you'll think of when considering a rhythm game where you don't play as musicians.

that = ambitious

rhythm = still cool

videogaem = arcade

Arcalyth 13 years ago

Ha, so my roommate and I play Soul Calibur and SSBM while listening to Dubstep, and it's funny how often our attacks match up to the music… which lent me the idea of a fighter that's clocked at 140bpm and every motion produces part of the music.

Not sure if that's kind of what you're getting at, but the idea sounds pretty cool.

Astryl 13 years ago

Most of the 'rythm' based games I've played aren't very good representations of the music that plays in the background. Doing something like this gives me the opportunity to try things that haven't been tried before, and believe me, there's a lot of data to work with, as well as a shitload of algorithms for random generation.

Alert Games 13 years ago

@Arcalyth: Yeah, I just posted this to see what people thought of this idea. I was thinking a scrolling shooter, but a fighter is another interesting idea. I think a scrolling shooter may be faster pace though. I wonder if both would work or something….. something to consider.

@Mega: I agree, a lot of them are not very representative. I think either a shooter or fighter that would play like a normal shooter/fighter, but on the beats and drops you could have to press certain buttons for special attacks and stuff.

So basically it would be like a combination of a genre. :D

Oh, I always thought this was dubstep:
@Rez: Yeah, +1 for you. But will it blend?

EDIT: @kilin: yeah i know but putting images and side-conversation will derail my blog from subject lol.