AGMAPI Video Demo

Posted by Alert Games on March 21, 2012, 12:21 p.m.

Welcome back everyone :P

I finally had enough time to squeeze in making a video on the API ive been working on with full detail. It covers both how it plays a part in the game, and how you use the game maker side of it in your game development.

It goes in depth, so feel free to skip the parts you don't care about.

Also, I apologize in advance for the voice being quiet. I'm using a standard xbox mic :|

I like the login window effect :P

The good thing about this API is that it includes the stuff you need, and is easy to exclude the stuff you don't. It also handles the security, multiple profile saves, and the basic display of information for you, to get started.

A couple cool things, is that it can retrieve your friends list when you log in(useful for multiplayer games), and can download your avatar or other's avatars to see.

If you have a game that you want to use the API with, let me know your project, and I'll let you know if it will have a place on :D I'm less stingy than reflect! :O

The next API version will come out soon. I just want to make sure the save encryption works right, and I have to implement the EXE hash check, which can be used to check for updates to the game, and make sure nobody is cheating.

Thanks for checking out the blog! I put some effort into the video for you guys, even though its a little boring unless youre interested :P


Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

Cue multiplayer in 64DCG.

Glen 12 years, 11 months ago

Looks nice

Alert Games 12 years, 11 months ago

Its super nice. Trust me.

LAR Games 12 years, 11 months ago

Wow. Pretty cool.

Regarding the video, the music was a bit loud compared to your voice.

Eva unit-01 12 years, 11 months ago

Hm, this may just be enough for me to remake my old project Surrounded using this API for multiplayer, which I had planned, but could never do. Or make another sort of arcadey action game, hmmm.

Alert Games 12 years, 11 months ago

Regarding the video, the music was a bit loud compared to your voice.
ffs my recording was quiet compared to the music. now im gonna have to add an annotation! (i had music at 8% and voice at 125%… probably camtasia's fault)

@Eva: ye man. i wanted to make this thing to make things interesting :D

EDIT: Also, demo program may be coming soon so everyone can test it out.