Concept <--

Posted by Alert Games on April 29, 2012, 12:11 a.m.

Please acknowledge the following:

I'm looking for some feedback on this design. Once I find some nice bit of time that I'm not working on other things, I can crank this out ;)

I sketched it while at school and as you can see, its not a whole lot different from AG net right now. Main differences would be the color scheme having a black or dark top, and a white background with a light design on the sides. Other than that, just a few rearrangements and a name change!

Let me know what you think.

(I'm still working towards finals, and helped CPS with a menu, and working on API, etc etc)


McFluffeh 12 years, 10 months ago

Play Games and Web Games?

But i like it, though.

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

@mcfluffeh: thanks! sobering out? (lol)

There are games you download to play with the API stuff, and then games you can play in-browser if you're bored (like HTML5 and flash). Maybe theres a better name for that distinction?

LAR Games 12 years, 10 months ago

I should totally start designing UIs on paper first.

Toast 12 years, 10 months ago

Why did you bother drawing this? You could have just taken a screenshot of 64digits.

Eva unit-01 12 years, 10 months ago

Looks a bit…



No but really, looks like a pretty nice design so far, I'd love to see you make a mock-up of it. Reminds me of 64D mixed with

And yea, paper designs are the way to go, it's awesome, and gets your brain working better.

I have a binder of about 32+ pages of design notes and concept art for my old project Psycho Place, from 2007-2009.

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

@Toast: Why would I bother taking a screenshot of 64digits? You're staring at it right now!

Also, 64digits is focused on game/software/design development with blogs which I very much like. Live Grenade is focused on playing games online with friends. The middle section is called the "Player Feed", and above that is the recent (10 or whichever) active servers playing on the site.

@Eva: Paper is also much faster to erase mistakes and plan out something.

Thanks for your comments. I wish I had more time to get a mockup out, but I will have to get back to it when I can.

sirxemic 12 years, 10 months ago

If the focus is already community-based, then it doesn't make much sense to have a community-tab IMHO. Having a community-tab makes it seem like there is ALSO a community, as if the website itself consists of several sections, amongst which a community.

Furthermore, you show the avatar and some more info of the currently logged in user at the top-right corner, yet the control panel is at a completely different place. To me it is more logical to couple everything logged-in-user related.

Does it say "Development" and "Software" or "Development software"? In either case, how does "(development) software" add to your website? Can people upload their own software (suggestions)?

Oh and using 2 side-bars is not cool man :P

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

@sir Xemic: Thanks for your input i know you work with websites so im glad you noticed this post.

-Good point, I'll change community to Forums

-Also a good point and makes sense. I could move messages to the top, then on the left have on the left: "My Page, Friends list, Friends servers, Subscriptions, etc"

-Oh yeah forgot to take that out of the navigation because it has to do with AG not Live Grenade. But Development should be WIP or In Dev.

-What do you mean by 2 side bars? If youre talking about the right side of the page, that displays the recently added games, the news post, the latest post, poll, etc on the forums(in place of the AD box), then an option advert or interesting flash vid.

The only thing in the content below the nav that is present on the pages is the left panel that has all the recent blogs, online users, etc. If you were talking about that what is a better way to organize all of that?

sirxemic 12 years, 10 months ago

My comment about the side-bars was kind of jokingly - it reminded me of 64digits a bit too much and felt like commenting on it in a joking manner. You can ignore that.

McFluffeh 12 years, 10 months ago

And yeah, I was beginning to sober out.

I understand now… >.>