Concept <--

Posted by Alert Games on April 29, 2012, 12:11 a.m.

Please acknowledge the following:

I'm looking for some feedback on this design. Once I find some nice bit of time that I'm not working on other things, I can crank this out ;)

I sketched it while at school and as you can see, its not a whole lot different from AG net right now. Main differences would be the color scheme having a black or dark top, and a white background with a light design on the sides. Other than that, just a few rearrangements and a name change!

Let me know what you think.

(I'm still working towards finals, and helped CPS with a menu, and working on API, etc etc)


Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

kind of jokingly
I like that part. lol no but to sum it up in case anyone was wondering, the left side is distinctly a side bar, and the right side is part of the home page so it is not.

Glad I got your (somewhat) of an approval though, being a web designer and all. At least this means I don't completely suck at this.

In other news, if anyone would like to do my homework for me so I can get on this, that would be swell. ANyone? ….

@McFluffeh: Yeah it was hard to come up with a name for that because 'Games' is too boring, and 'Play' is too indirect. If all else fails, people will click the images of games on the right to get them started.

poultry 12 years, 10 months ago

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