LG Mockup #1

Posted by Alert Games on May 28, 2012, 7:49 p.m.

This was done rather quickly so it may look a little sloppy, but the point is to demonstrate the concept site:

For those who dont know:


-Friends Lists

-Highscores & Achievements

- open API (after beta)

Of course it will need a bit of graphical work and a few minor changes, but this seems like it would be a pretty good design. The player feed for unregistered users would be a video to hype up the site and quickly tell you what its about.

But that brings me to my main point of why I bring this up. I have a busy summer this year with a full time job, online class, and doing some API work. So I decided that to make this happen I may just need a person or two, if you are intersted with this project, to help with the designing of the page. The PHP is pretty much already done (kinda awfully) in alert games, so that doesn't need too much work.

Anyway, email me, PM me, IM me, whichever if you are interested in making this community for playing multiplayer, highscore, achivement inde games that you can make.

IN other news

I hacked together drivers and such to use the kinect that my ex gave back to me to work as a webcam. Yay! Does cool things like infrared and stuff too, though everything is hush hush and only a SDK with a few samples is out to mess with which I wont be. They didn't even want it on PC for some reason… ah well.


JID 12 years, 7 months ago

I've been thinking heavily about completely remaking TWE from the ground up lately, I've written out a huge chunk of the story, jotted down a number of interesting ideas for the world and level ideas I'm going to make.

Anyways, I'm going to try very hard at making this game over the summer, especially since I'm graduating highschool and won't have to worry about it anymore.

I'll be looking to have your API working with my game or probably even multiple games.

I'm going to try to make sure this summer will be the hardest I'll ever work to make some games.

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

Then I will try to get the API out ASAP.

The new API beta test will have everything working, and even have a few extras to help with the basic file and online features of the game. Specifically secure game saves, UDP for efficient gameplay methods, and more standardized functions will be added. It will also probably be ported over to C# soonafter to allow for people switching over to use it.

Other projects are also in-line to using the API so I will get this goin as fast as I can to instigate motivation for development.

JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

Please do.

Like I said, I have a few games I'm saving exclusively for this system.


Because I hate Kongregate and that other place with the spammed forums.

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

Awesome. What do you guys think of the mockup?

JID 12 years, 7 months ago

Only thing I could suggest is probably making the very left and right sides of the site a dark color, maybe dark red or probably just a darker shade of grey? It seems kind of odd to me, to have the top portion black and the side a light grey color.

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

I agree with you that it looks a little weird with the sides gray. However I think most would preferably have a white background (or at least close to it), which is why I did that.

I really do like the black bar on top, but I think the other option is to maybe have the top bar a little less black. Or even make the left column dark in some way.

I think after a few more takes on it we can see what everyone would agree with most.

Iasper 12 years, 7 months ago

"1 New Messages!" is something you might want to fix. As I told you before I plan on making a game with your API. It's looking good though, although the "feed generated in" message is a bit weird to see because it gets generated so insanely fast it has too many digits to look professional.

KaBob799 12 years, 7 months ago

Looking pretty good, kinda motivates me to work on the multiplayer stuff I was making for GameGame. But I wont cause im lazy/busy =]

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

@Iasper: The feed generated is only to test how quick it processes. With more friends it might be slower or something. Will be taken out.

@kabob: This API will provide the connections and such to get started.

I still need someone to do the simple editing of the HTML/CSS/PHP work if anyone wants to help!


Iasper 12 years, 7 months ago

I can do some basic HTML but I don't know anything about CSS and PHP.